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On this week’s Connected Kingdom podcast, Tim and I discuss vacations and how Christians can do vacations well. We interact with a popular article written by C.J. Mahaney and we also discuss some issues related to Christian character and vacations. Hope you find something to make your summer vacations even better.

If you want to give us feedback or join in the discussion, go ahead and look up our Facebook Group or leave a comment right here. You can subscribe to the podcast via iTunes or another program. As always, feedback and suggestions for future topics are much appreciated.

  • j

    Hi,This was the 1st time I listened to your podcast – really enjoyed hearing your thoughts.Made me think of a book I’m reading called A Passion for the Impossible about Lilias Trotter, who was a British m. to Algeria in the late 1800s/early 1900s. Although her situation in returning to Britain for a time was different from many people simply taking family vacations, I’ve noticed how she was always careful to find a quiet spot somewhere in the woods or mountains or what-have-you to really spend focused time with God, reading, praying, listening, and before him planning for and working on what was coming next in her work in Algeria. It’s something I’ve thought about a lot and am working on and praying about. For me, it’s seemed to ‘happen’ more as I return to my home, for a few days before routines restart, and He calls me aside. I’m thinking about it a lot now as I’m preparing to return to the US from overseas to see family – something you said in your podcast really resonated, as I’ve found these times which I expect will be times of rejuvenation, joyful reunions, and rest, are sometimes when the strongest spiritual attacks come as well. Trying to remember in my packing and preparation to stop and pray for God’s presence, guidance, restraint, and joy in this trip, as in the every day.