(That’s not my headline. It’s Friday’s “Daily Stat” from the Harvard Business Review.)

Harris Interactive, a global market research and consulting firm reported the results of a recent nationwide survey into the online habits of homosexuals as follows:

Gay men and women are more engaged with online content and social media than heterosexuals, with 73% belonging to Facebook, 54% reading blogs, and 29% using Twitter, compared with 65%, 40%, and 15%, respectively, for straight people, according to a Harris Interactive survey of U.S. adults.

For a number of years I’ve observed (even “admired”) the passionate “missionary” zeal and commitment of homosexuals. At least in the UK, they appear to have a disproportionate representation in (or influence upon) politics, the media, entertainment, and education.

As the arenas of power and influence have moved increasingly online, we should not be surprised that statistics reveal greater activity there by various groups with unbiblical agendas.

But the statistics also call Christians to greater online engagement, commitment, and zeal. We may not have popular and influential blogs. But we can all commit to commenting on news stories and opinion pieces as they are posted on non-Christian websites and blogs with large audiences. If every Christian posted even one such comment a week, then the online witness and influence of Christians would increase dramatically. Our comments may be removed. But at least they will have been read once!

Read full report of the research here.


God’s Technology DVD: Training our children to use digital technology for God’s glory.

  • Cammie Novara

    “For a number of years I’ve observed (even “admired”) the passionate “missionary” zeal and commitment of homosexuals. ” I can really relate to that from my own experience. There’s a really fascinating debate that I thought would be of interest on evolution vs. intelligent design going on at http://www.intelligentdesignfacts.com

  • David Murray

    That’s a good summary of ID. Thanks Cammie.