Old Testament
The Old Testament, Holy War, and Christian Morality
Although I disagree with the “hyperbole” defense in #4 there is still some helpful material here for understanding this difficult subject.

Five Love Languages of Leviticus
Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert turn to Leviticus to show how Christians must love with our possessions, by our words, in our actions, by our judgments, and with our attitudes.

Escaping Pornography
Mike Doyle reviews two books that offer hope for those ensnared by porn.

The Five Must-Read books for Bloggers in 2011
Not all of this will “crossover” to Christian blogging, but much of it will.

Ten Tips for Reading Scripture in Public
Perhaps the most neglected area in pastoral ministry.

A Word for a new pastor and congregation
NB: The video at the end of the post is not related to this subject. I’d highly recommend that Christian bloggers pay the little bit extra to make sure that their pages are not used for inappropriate advertisement and videos.

The Great Tech War of 2012
The impending shootout between Apple, Google, Facebook, and Amazon.

The Apostle John’s view of Technology

  • http://www.businessmastery.biz Seth Getz

    David, which of the books in “The Five Must-Read books for Bloggers in 2011″ have you read yet and can you add anything to the comments in the article?

    I would love to read them all but I am looking for a shortcut :)