Facebook, Privacy & Marital Oneness
This is a must-read: “Maybe it’s me, but there seem to be an awful lot of couples posting things on their facebook accounts to each other about their relationship. From “you’re the best boyfriend ever” to “he said ______ when he proposed” to “I’m pregnant, Honey”.”

Top 10 priorities for every pastor revealed
Do you agree with Brian Croft’s top 10? I’d like to move #10 up the list but it’s difficult to see what it could displace.

Finally get to hold baby Martin again
No doubt many of you have been prayerfully following Steven and Jamie Lee’s trial, with their newborn Martin requiring heart-surgery within days of being born. If you want to put a smile on your face and tears in your eyes, look at the first photo on this post, and join with the Lees and all who love them in celebrating the grace and goodness of God to them. And here’s another set of great photos.

Spiritual Map Quest
Bob Kellemen asks: “Is there a biblical model for spiritual friendship, one-another ministry, biblical counseling, and pastoral counseling?”

The Biblical Counseling Movement after Adams
Still on the subject of counseling, this is one of the best book reviews I’ve read in a long time. The book is extremely important for anyone in pastoral ministry.

How exercise fuels the brain
For me the most exciting frontier at the moment is brain research. It’s incredible how much God is now allowing scientists to discover about the most complex organ He created. I’m hoping and praying for many Christians to dedicate their lives to studying in this field and then interpreting the discoveries through the lens of Scripture for the glory of God and the good of souls.

  • Kevin Sorensen

    David, I’m a pastor who has enjoyed your blog very much. I really enjoyed reading about how you got started and why you blog. I found so many of your reasons to be mine as well.

    I’m also a follower of Brian Croft’s blog & saw his 10proirities list. I think I would, indeed, move the training of leaders higher, probably to the #4 slot. If he’s thinking of leaders as in elders, then I believe this neds to be higher than#10. The elders would then be equipped to help in all the other areas of ministry below that. This would help a senior/solo pastor, such as myself, a great deal. It would also show the flock of God that we took the Bible seriously, when it comes to having elders, a plurality of elders, and seeing them oversee the care of God’s people.

    Keep up the blogging and blessings upon you.

  • http://www.kubecki.com James Kubecki

    David, have you read Donn Arms’ (from the Institute for Nouthetic Studies) review? He’s a colleague of Jay Adams and takes some issue with Lambert’s evaluation.

    • http://headhearthand.org/blog/ David Murray

      Yes, James I read that and was quite surprised at the way Donn responded. Personally, I thought that the book bent over backwards (sometimes too far) to be fair to Adams.