How social media made me a better person
Somebody else wrote something along similar lines recently, but I can’t remember his name.

Radical Christianity: A Call to Legalism or a Call to Live?
Ed Stetzer rounds up the recent debate and sums up: “In other words, let’s be missional and radical. Let’s be careful about making it legalistic. But let’s not be afraid to tell a consumer-driven church that has commodified the gospel that the Christian life is rooted in much more than personal comfort.”

How far is too far?
Tim Challies tackles another easy subject, and comes up with some challenging answers, or should I say, questions.

Preparing for the Future in the Age of Facebook
I’m not convinced Facebook has a long-term future, but Alex Chediak’s points can apply to most Social Media, which shall always be with us.

Listening well as a person of privilege
You won’t agree with everything here, but what a great series on how privileged majorities should listen to oppressed minorities.

Finding a real God in a chasm of uncertainty
In a world distorted and shattered by schizophrenia, one man clings to mercy and grace.

Here’s a video of Adrian Warnock and Amy Simpson discussing mental illness and the church.

Here’s Bob Kellemen with A Biblical Counseling Perspective on Mental Illness.

Lessons learned in the dark valley of depression. Great summary of a wonderful testimony.

And while we’re at it, here’s a quite stunning infographic on schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia: The Broken Mind