Cruciform Press Sale
All books $6. I love these short-form practical books. They say more in a few chapters than some do that are many times their size.

Why it’s often better to say less
Fascinating experiment.

The Epidemic of Leadership
“There is a drought of leadership in the church, but it’s not due to the lack of leadership training at the pastoral level. The problem is that we’ve forgotten our charter.”

The Fishbowl, My Friend
Why living on display isn’t the worst thing ever.

Why some of the most productive people have empty schedules
To be creative, you need to say “No!”

Cheating ourselves of sleep
“Failing to get enough sleep night after night can compromise your health and may even shorten your life. From infancy to old age, the effects of inadequate sleep can profoundly affect memory, learning, creativity, productivity and emotional stability, as well as your physical health.” (HT: Joel Miller)