A Theology-Driven Life
Tim Brister helps us combine and balance theology and practice.

Australia Prime Minister Misrepresents the Bible
An echo of similar simplistic arguments we’ve heard in the UK and USA too. Sandy Grant writes a follow-up here. And here’s another commentary on the issue.

How To Host A Visiting Speaker
And here’s Part 2.

Eight Areas Where Many Ministers Are Unprepared For Ministry
#1 confirms what I wrote in Why Do Rookie Pastors Get Fired. Notice that all eight fall in the area of practical theology.

The Broke Pastor: Tell Your Money Where to Go
How one pastor got control over his finances.

Banning Prostitution in Church
Pastor Tom Lawson: “A man once mistook me for a hooker.  I know what you’re thinking.  No, I was not dressed in drag and I was as surprised and ultimately pretty offended by the mistake.  Perhaps more surprisingly, it all happened over the telephone.”

  • http://www.joshuarhone.com Joshua Rhone


    Thanks for linking to my blog post. I hope that it proves helpful to many.

