Quick links as I’m in Orlando to speak at Ligonier’s Reformation Bible College.

Buddy, can you spare a dime?
Carl Trueman keeps puncturing some celebrity pastor bubbles.

Conference on Sanctification
Tim Challies and I will be giving four addresses on sanctification in Indianapolis on 15&16 November.

My Family in Black and White
Some of the challenges involved in trans-racial adoption.

6 Reasons not to Abandon Expository Preaching
Don Carson: “Our aim is to take the sacred text, explain what it means, tie it to other scriptures so people can see the whole a little better, and apply it to life so it bites and heals, instructs, and edifies. What better way to accomplish this end than through expository preaching?”

Should every church be multi-ethnic?
“I meet pastors all the time who insist that their homogenous church simply reflects the homogeneity of their community. However, when they examine their community’s census data, they discover that there are significant numbers of diverse people all around them. (Want to know the racial/ethnic make-up of your community? Go here.)

5 Truths About Christian Suffering