Hope you like the new blog design and that it improves your reading experience especially on cell phones and tablets. Feedback has been positive so far. Having been born without even one design atom in my body, needless to say I had nothing whatsoever to do with it.

Full credit goes to Cameron Morgan the designer, and Ray Wong the front end developer. These are fantastic guys to work with and I recommend them 100%.

Our main aim was to modernize and simplify the desktop browser version of the blog, and to make the mobile version responsive to different mobile devices. We’ve still got a few tweaks to work on, but I’m really delighted with what they’ve produced.

You can contact Cameron via Linked In or Twitter.

You can contact Ray via Linked In or Twitter.

Let me know if there’s anything else you can think of that would enhance the blog.

  • Cameron Morgan

    Thank you so much for the shoutout David! It is really a pleasure to work with you and your incredible ministry for Christ and His Kingdom!

  • http://confessingbaptist.com/ Jason Delgado

    Noticed this yesterday… very well done site in many aspects!

    • David Murray

      Thanks Jason. Appreciate that.

  • http://www.shallwesingasongforyou.co.uk Stephen Steele

    Really improves the reading experience!

  • Scott Doherty

    The site is wonderful and the content is great, that is why I hate even to make this comment, but it is because I love reading it that I loved the way a particular function used to work. It used to be that when you searched by tag such as http://headhearthand.org/blog/tag/check-out/ you would get the full list like you see in the individual articles. This way it was one long streaming list and you would just page through them. Now it is only a summary title and you have to click on each heading to see the content. This is small and pertains to only one incidental aspect of the site, but it was a great feature in my mind. If there is a way could you restore that one feature? Thanks!