A Complete Classical Christian School Reading List
How I wish I’d had this kind of education.

How Can I Best Absorb Information While Reading
A three-step program.

Book Recommendations for the Pastor’s Local Church
These will have a Baptist perspective on some issues, but still lots of good material here.

How A Christian Athlete Might Respond the Questions About Gay Marriage
We’re all going to need training in how to speak and act wisely in these unprecedented days.

My Advice to Students on Biblical Languages
Miles Van Pelt: “The way I have found most effective in my own life is to get up early and do it before everyone else starts to want your time, your schedule, and your attention.” 

How Emily’s Hair Blew Us Away
Make sure you watch to the end.

  • Christopher Nyland

    Thanks for the list of books in “A Complete Classical Christian School Reading List.” It makes me look like I wasted the first 8 years of school after looking at that list. At least I have read some of them as an adult and the other titles are not unknown to me.