Life’s Happiness as a U-Shaped Curve
If you’re 47 and living in the USA, your life is about to get better and better. If you’re in Russia, you have to wait until you’re 91 till the curve turns upwards!

3 Suggested Uses for My Depression Interview
Pastor Paul Tautges has been hugely encouraged by the response to this film about his experience of depression. Here he gives some ideas about how to get the most out of the film and how to use it in your church.

7 Actions to Engage the Men in Your Church
“Every man craves the love, acceptance, and approval of a father. But in most situations, the men that are walking into your church are fatherless—both spiritually and literally. They have never experienced the loving grace of a earthly father and because of this absence, they struggle to understand the deep void they feel for a spiritual or heavenly Father as well.”

Six Lessons in Good Listening
David Mathis: “Listening is one of the easiest things you’ll ever do, and one of the hardest.”

What Is The Gift Of Singleness And How Do I Know If I Have It
R.C. Sproul Jr.: “I am sympathetic to men who are eager to marry, or in certain circumstances, to remarry. But I do not at present share that urgency. Indeed I honestly can’t imagine remarrying. I am savvy enough, however, to know that this could change in a moment. God’s Word gives me liberty. If the desire comes to marry I would be without sin to do so.”

PRTS Seminary Thrift Store
Some friends of Puritan Reformed Seminary are trying to start up a thrift store to support the Seminary. It will be called Regenerate. The mission is “to offer our community quality merchandise, reasonably priced, in an effort to support the education of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary students worldwide.” Click here, and click on “Facebook Like” to help this group win some financial support for their business plan.

Don’t Give Up On Joy
Not a complete answer, but some really helpful thoughts here.

  • Marie Peterson

    re the U curve:

    In Paul Miller’s A Loving Life, he explains the concept of the “J curve” of death and resurrection. It is what Jesus Himself lived, and it’s what history follows as well. Personally, as we take up our cross daily, dying to self and exhibiting sacrificial love, we go down into the curve of the J. But, God promises resurrection, and we see it in various ways in this life as we gain new strength to hope and serve and love. Of course, we will see it in the life to come literally and fully! As Miller wrote, “The crucible for understanding love is suffering.”