Best Book Deals

Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace by Heath Lambert ($3.79)

The Art Of Man-Fishing by Thomas Boston ($0.99)

Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels by J. Warner Wallace ($2.99)

Between Heaven and Ground Zero: One Woman’s Struggle for Survival and Faith in the Ashes of 9/11 by Leslie Haskin ($0.99)

The Power of Words and the Wonder of God edited by John Piper and Justin Taylor ($1.99)

Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity by Nabeel Qureshi ($3.79)

Heaven on Earth: Capturing Jonathan Edwards’s Vision of Living in Between by Stephen J. Nichols ($0.99)

A Sweet Flame: Piety in the Letters of Jonathan Edwards by  Michael A. G. Haykin ($2.99)

May We Meet in the Heavenly World: The Piety of Lemuel Haynes by Thabiti Anyabwile ($2.99)

An Honest and Well-Experienced Heart: The Piety of John Flavel by Adam Embry ($1.99)

The Messianic Hope: Is the Old Testament Really Messianic? by Michael Rydelnik ($3.99)

The Miracle of Dunkirk by Walter Lord ($1.99)

The Nazi Officer’s Wife: How One Jewish Woman Survived The Holocaust by Edith H. Beer and Susan Dworkin ($1.99)

The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics by Daniel James Brown ($2.99)

Best Blogs

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The Righteous One of Psalm One

Dear Timothy: Find Your Contentment in Christ | TGC | The Gospel Coalition | 3 big ideas and 7 tips on how to read the Bible in church

Reading the Bible and the Bible Reading You (by Josh Graves)

The Pilgrim’s Psalter | Gentle Reformation

Republication Debates

Simple Strategies for Developing an Integrated Local Church

Only Two Religions: A New Teaching Series from Peter Jones by Nathan W. Bingham | Ligonier Ministries Blog

Integrity Matters | Gentle Reformation

7 Ways I Have Learned to Focus – Ron Edmondson

10 Wise Leadership Lessons I’ll Never Forget

InterVarsity “Derecognized” at California State University’s 23 Campuses: Some Analysis and Reflections

I Stand With Michael Farris Against The Abuses of the Patriarchy Movement – Thomas Umstattd Jr.

God’s Beauty for the Bored, Busy, and Depressed

The Antidepressant of Wonder

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5 Things You Must Do To Protect Yourself Online | Challies Dot Com

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What your 1st-grade life says about the rest of it – The Washington Post

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Best Videos

Amena Brown: Psalm 139

A Gospel Project Story: Evan at Eternal Church in S.C.

Father Refuses to Walk Daughter Down the Aisle

The Man Behind the Smallest V-12 Engine in the World

Tiny Man and Massive Volcano

春勢  もろきゅう  包丁さばき (Or we could say, how are your knife skills?)

  • Marie Peterson

    The man standing at the mouth of that volcano is doing what John Paton did spiritually on that very island 150 years ago!