Shepherds’ Stories is a fundraising DVD for the Gambia Partnership charity, a small Scotland-based mission to Gambia. It includes the testimonies of the following Ministers of the Gospel:

  • Dr Sinclair Ferguson
  • Rev Warren Peel
  • Rev Gavin Beers
  • Rev Shanmugam Partheepan (Sri Lanka)
  • Rev Geoff Thomas

We started watching these testimonies as a family last week and have thoroughly enjoyed them so far. It also brought back many happy memories of my previous pastorate in the Outer Hebrides (The hauntingly beautiful singing you hear at the beginning of the trailer is a sample of Gaelic Psalm singing)

What struck me about these testimonies is that they are all so different, and yet all so similar in that they are all stories of amazing grace. Wonderfully encouraging in these discouraging days. If you click through you can pay $4.99 to rent the video and $9.99 to own it. All the proceeds go to support the mission to Gambia. Here’s the producer’s description:

The gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is a Shepherd story. It is the story of the Great Shepherd who came to seek and to save that which was lost. It is the story of the One who leaves the ninety and nine to find the sheep who is lost and bear them home upon His shoulder. Each of the men who gives testimony on this DVD are themselves shepherds who preached in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland as visiting ministers. They have been called to preach this gospel to those who are lost and to those who are found. To gather sheep into the fold and keep them there by God’s grace. Each can testify to green pastures and still waters, to the restoration of their souls and to being led along paths of righteousness. Whether delivered from a life of drugs and atheism, a background of Hinduism, a life of godless moralism, converted at a young age, or having served fifty years in the ministry, here are five testimonies to the goodness and mercy of God. Five shepherd stories woven into the great redemptive story of the Good Shepherd, The Lord Jesus Christ who gave His Life for the sheep.

  • Roseville Garage

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