
New Research: Divorce Divides More Than Just Families | Ed Stetzer
“Pastors are divided about when divorce is sinful and whether or not they would perform the wedding of someone who is divorced.”

The 7th Planned Parenthood Video | Justin Taylor
Nooooooooooo! Long time since my whole being shuddered. I couldn’t get past 6.30.

How Should our Churches Deal with the After Effects of Abortion? | 20 Schemes: Sharon Dickens
“Scotland has the second highest percentage of teenage abortions in the world (Cuba being the highest).”

Recover and Redemption after a Failed Adoption | Biblical Counseling Coalition: Joshua Waulk
A failed adoption presents the Christian family with an emotional trauma that is at once a crisis of faith and an opportunity for the gospel to expand the borders of belief.

Faithfulness in College is Life-Wide | TGC: Stephen Lutz
“In order for academic work to glorify God we have to see it as a high calling, but not the be-all, end-all.”

What is Cage-Stage Calvinism? And what causes it? | R C Sproul Jr.
“Cage­-Stage describes an all too common phenomenon wherein a believer comes to embrace the doctrines of grace, and for a time becomes an obnoxious lout in defending the doctrines to all comers, whether they are interested or not. It suggests that such a newbie should spend some time in a cage until they calm down. If you are a Calvinist you likely have been through this stage. If you are not, you surely have encountered those who were infected.”

How To Get Useful Feedback: A Speaker’s Guide
Let’s start with three truths about feedback:

  1. Most of the feedback you receive as a speaker is not very useful.
  2. Useful feedback is hard to find and uncomfortable to receive.
  3. To reach your potential as a speaker, you require substantial feedback.

Why People Hate Making Phone Calls | The Atlantic”
“Don’t hate the phone call, hate the phone.”

The Town That Decided to Send All Its Kids to College | The Atlantic
“The Baldwin Promise is more than just $5,000 a year for four years of college. It brought with it a complete change in how the town viewed education. Just as elementary school and middle school were in Baldwin, college was a right for everyone.” As long as it doesn’t become “College is right for everyone.”

Kindle Books

Theology of the Reformers by Timothy George $2.99.

The Pastor’s Family: Shepherding Your Family through the Challenges of Pastoral Ministry by Brian Croft $3.99.

Reformed Means Missional: Following Jesus into the World by Sam Logan $3.99.

New(ish) Book(let)

Why Should I Fast? by Danny Hyde $2.99.