One of the six eBooks included in A Bundle of Joy: Six Books on Christian Happiness is entitled The Happy Student. With students returning to various schools and colleges in the next few days and weeks, I thought you may want to read the foreword of the book to see if it might be suitable for you or for someone else in your family or church:

Perhaps you looked at the title of this book, The Happy Student, and thought, “Oh good, a guide to the best parties on campus.” If you did, I’m going to disappoint you. I tried that, and I can tell you that whatever else such a lifestyle produces, it doesn’t produce happy students or student happiness. Quite the reverse. It’s a different and much better kind of happiness that this book is concerned about, a happiness that is substantial, real, and lasting.

Before I started writing this book, I looked back at 30+ years of of studying, pastoring, and now professoring. I thought about my own experience of student life both at High School and then in University and Seminary. I reflected on about 20 years of pastoring students, and 12 years of teaching them in two seminaries. I also reviewed my own children’s educational experiences at homeschool, Christian school, and now community college. All the time I was asking, “What makes for happy students? What made me a happy student? What made my students happy?”

The fruit is this compact book gathered around eight topics.


Knowing that students are short on time and patience, I’ve tried to keep it as practical as possible and as short as possible. I’ve reduced  mere “theory” to a minimum and I’ve limited the word count by using bullet points and lists.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction” (Proverbs 1:7).

A Bundle of Joy: Six Books on Christian Happiness by David Murray ($2.99).