
Choosing the Right Seminary | Kevin DeYoung
Seven questions to ask before choosing a seminary.

Am I a Pastor or Am I a Scholar? | TGC
Jeff Robinson sheds light from his own journey.

A Christian Classic on Sanctification by Keith Mathison | Ligonier Ministries Blog
It just never gets old.

What Is the Most Meaningful Job in America?
Orthopedic surgeon, Police chief, and youth pastor!

Who Trains the Elders and Deacons in your Church – Anyone! | Clare DeGraaf
I like the idea of 3 months of attending meetings to learn the ropes before required to vote

Dazzling photos from a Pacific marine sanctuary larger than California
This is heavenly.

Steward your…poverty? | En Route
Stewarding wealth is one thing. What about stewarding your poverty?

The Needless Complexity of Academic Writing | The Atlantic
“Academics, in general, don’t think about the public; they don’t think about the average person, and they don’t even think about their students when they write…Their intended audience is always their peers. That’s who they have to impress to get tenure.”

Recommended New Book

We Cannot Be Silent: Speaking Truth to a Culture Redefining Sex, Marriage, and the Very Meaning of Right and Wrong by Al Mohler.

Kindle Books

Here’s an amazing deal: Grudem’s Systematic Theology and Allison’s Historical Theology for $12 total!

Systematic Theology/Historical Theology Bundle $11.99.

Don’t Give Up, Don’t Give In: Lessons from an Extraordinary Life by Louis Zamperini $1.99.


Planned Parenthood doctor admits to felony | Denny Burk