
Change… Friend? or Foe? | Homeschool on the Croft
An old friend from Scotland reflects on changes in her life in a way that resonated with some recent changes in my own life too.

The past year has seen so many changes in our lives. None of them have been tragic. None of them have caused sorrow and grief – unlike the case for so many people, some of whom are known to me and very dear to me. None of the changes have broken my heart, and yet… there’s a ‘but still….

Learning from a Giant: Three reasons to read John Owen | Matthew Barrett and Michael Haykin, Credo Magazine
“Why should we read, get to know, and learn from a Puritan like John Owen? As J. I. Packer has argued, we need to read the Puritans, and John Owen especially, because we are spiritual dwarfs by comparison.”

Breaking Through the Despair of Unbelief | Tony Reinke, Desiring God
“Michael Reeves may now serve as the President of Union School of Theology in Oxford and be recognized as the author of wonderful books like Delighting in the Trinity and Rejoicing in Christ – but those affections for God were hard-won.”

3GT Short: On Grieving | Gentle Reformation
A podcast in which the participants’ recent painful bereavements are discussed in the light of God’s Word.

3 Ways Our Culture Is Different than Every Other Culture in History | Gavin Ortlund, TGC
“Here are three ways our culture is eccentric in its basic instincts about God, morality, and life”

The Beauty and Challenge of Singleness | Drew Hunter, TGC
“What does it mean to live as a single man in today’s world? Some men are single at 20, others at 60. Some are single by choice, others by undesired circumstance. Some have always been single, others become so again following divorce or the death of a spouse. How does God’s Word give us a vision for living single for his glory?”

3 Truths to Fight Pastoral Despair | Scott Slayton, TGC
“Pastors preach the gospel every week. We stand behind the pulpit, look across the room, and proclaim the free pardon of sin found in Christ alone. We remind people of the hope they have in Christ when they walk through life’s darkest valleys-then we wrestle with crippling despair ourselves as we forget the very gospel we preach to others.”

Kindle Deals

Fire, 7″ Display, Wi-Fi, 8 GB – Includes Special Offers, Black on sale for $39.99. An inexpensive tablet and a Kindle reader.

Bible Atlas & Companion by Hudson and Barrett ($2.99) Not useful for the traditional Kindle, but great for Kindle App on your tablet or Desktop.

God in a Brothel: An Undercover Journey into Sex Trafficking and Rescue by Daniel Walker ($2.99)

Relationships: A Mess Worth Making by Timothy S. Lane and Paul David Tripp ($1.99)

No Shortcuts to the Top: Climbing the World’s 14 Highest Peaks by Ed Viesturs and David Roberts ($1.99).

And a couple of others that may interest you. Contending with Christianity’s Critics: Anwering New Atheists and Other Objectors by William Lane Craig ($0.99) The Supremacy of God in Preaching by John Piper ($2.99)


David Powlison: “Depression and Suffering: Finding Hope and Healing for Ourselves and Others” | TGC
Click through for an outline and video of David Powlison’s address on depression delivered at RTS Charlotte on January 18, 2016.