One of the privileges of working at PRTS is the weekly arrival of new books to supplement our library of 70,000+ books. I shared some new selections last week, and here are some more of note.


Inclusion in the library does not necessarily mean endorsement of contents. We often have to buy books to help students with specialist theses and also to train students to think critically. Also note that new to the library does not mean a new book on the market.

The Emotionally Healthy Leader: How Transforming Your Inner Life Will Deeply Transform Your Church, Team, and the World by Peter Scazzero

“Going beyond simply offering a quick fix or new technique, The Emotionally Healthy Leader gets to the core, beneath-the-surface issues of uniquely Christian leadership. This book is more than a book you will read; it is a resource you will come back to over and over again.”

Longing for Home by J. Stephen Yuille

“In Longing for Home, Stephen Yuille directs our attention to the help God has given us in the Psalms of Ascent. In this collection of Psalms 120-134, we walk with our brothers and sisters through life’s many ups and downs on our way to Zion, the city of God.”

One Nation Under God: A Christian Hope for American Politics by Bruce Ashford and Chris Pappalardo

“When it comes to politics, Christians today seem lost and confused. Many Christians desire to relate their faith to politics but simply don’t know how. This book exists to equip the reader to apply Christianity to politics with both grace and truth, with both boldness and humility.”

James MacGregor: Preacher, Theologian and Defender of the Faith by John W Keddie

This one is a bit hard to find right now, newly published this month. This is a biography James MacGregor (1829-1894), 19th century Presbyterian minister and theological professor. He was a minister in the Free Church of Scotland and a defender of orthodox evangelical views.

Judicial Warfare: Christian Reconstruction and Its Blueprints For Dominion by Greg Loren Durand

“The stated goal of the Reconstructionists is to ‘apply the Word of God to all areas of life.’ However, despite its wide influence and acceptance within Calvinistic circles, the theology of the movement departs significantly from the historic Reformed faith on the subject of Old Testament law, merges the Covenant of Works with the Covenant of Grace, and dangerously undermines the Gospel itself.”

Theology without Borders: An Introduction to Global Conversations by William A. Dyrness and Oscar García-Johnson

“A valuable and catalytic resource for the pursuit and practice of a deeply faithful Christianity in a world of great cultural diversity.” –Vincent Bacote, Wheaton College

Bonhoeffer’s Seminary Vision: A Case for Costly Discipleship and Life Together by Paul R. House

“…this book attempts to recover a largely unexamined part of Bonhoeffer’s life, exploring his philosophy and practice of theological education in his original context. It then builds on this foundation to address the drift toward increasingly impersonal educational models in our own day, affirming the value of personal, face-to-face seminary education for the health of pastors and churches.”

Washed and Waiting: Reflections on Christian Faithfulness and Homosexuality (Swindoll’s New Testament Insights) by Wesley Hill

Although this is a controversial book, largely for its adoption of the “gay Christian” vocabulary (which I reject), there is much helpful material on how to help believers who struggle with same sex desire. ”

God’s Glory Alone–The Majestic Heart of Christian Faith and Life by David VanDrunen

“In God’s Glory Alone—The Majestic Heart of Christian Faith and Life, renowned scholar David VanDrunen looks at the historical and biblical roots of the idea that all glory belongs to God alone. He examines the development of this theme in the Reformation, in subsequent Reformed theology and confessions, and in contemporary theologians who continue to be inspired by the conviction that all glory belongs to God.”

Christ or Chaos by Dan DeWitt

“…Dan DeWitt helps college-aged readers wrestle with the implications of an atheistic worldview through the fictional story of a student named Zach. Addressing the tensions skeptics often face when taking atheism to its logical end, this book poses a significant question: “Can atheism really explain the world in which we live?”

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  • Jonesy


    With all due respect, I believe you should not recommend any of Scazerro’s works. I believe he is a heretic, blending elements of psychology and eastern mysticism with a poor hermeneutic whose teaching vividly runs up against Col 2:23 as well as implicitly (explicitly?) denying Christ’s work of advocacy for us before the throne of God (1 John 2:1, Heb. 8:1-6) and the fact that all of God’s promises are yes in Him (2 Cor1:15-22)

    In his book, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, he gives us fallacious arguments made to look like they are the result of a proper exegesis of the Bible. But in fact, he has twisted the Bible to make us believe that his principles and practices come from the Bible and therefore if we do what he says, we can deal with, even surmount and conquer, our fleshly indulgences.

    I have not read, The Emotionally Health Leader, but the title makes me believe he is still promulgating his lies, lies that are grounded in the elementary principles of this world and as such have nothing more than the appearance of wisdom, a will-worship by its very nature arbitrarily imposed by a man: a man who has been guided more in his thinking by the likes of Freud and Buddha, than by Christ and His apostles.

    I believe his methods will not result in any kind of sanctification that God is calling for and furthermore these methods will draw us away from knowing the fullness of Christ’s love for us (Eph. 3.14-21)

    Under His Mercy,

    • David Murray

      Thanks for your comment Mark. Please see the remarks with which I introduce the books:

      “Inclusion in the library does not necessarily mean endorsement of contents. We often have to buy books to help students with specialist theses and also to train students to think critically.”

      No recommendation is involved. In counseling classes, we have to train students to read discerningly and think critically – abilities you seem to have been blessed with as well.

      • Jonesy


        Thanks for your response. I appreciate it.

        We were in a church where Scazzero’s EHS was taught and his teaching did a lot of damage. Please continue to encourage others to be discerning when it comes to his teaching.

        Under His Mercy,