
5 Tips for Young Apologists – Sean McDowell
“Since I’m turning 40 this May, I do have some insights for younger apologists that I have learned along the way”

Original Meaning–The Scalia Legacy | Prince on Preaching
David Prince draws some lessons for preaching from Justice Antonin Scalia:

“The carefulness, clarity, conviction, and reverence with which Scalia treated the Constitution, and his courage to defend it, should inspire Christians who cling to the Bible as the infallible and eternal Word of God. As vital and enduring as the U.S. Constitution has been, it will not endure forever. Scalia championed national liberty in his unceasing defense of the Constitution, may we be relentless and fierce and champions of gospel liberty with unwavering commitment to the Scripture.”

Socialism Is Evil – Reformation21 Blog

Despite its worrying growth in popularity, especially among the young, Rick Philips argues that socialism is evil: (1) Because socialism is a system based on stealing; (2) Because socialism is an anti-work system; (3) Because socialism concentrates the power to do evil.

10 Ways to Increase Results in Meetings
“Time is one of the most valuable things you lead in your organization. Time wasted is a high cost to your team. Try putting a monetary value on time spent in meetings (simply do an hourly estimate of what you are paying the people in the room) and it can be a wake up call to assess how your organization is spending its time.

Ten Questions to Diagnose Your Smartphone Usage | Desiring God
“If we are to assess whether our smartphone habits are healthy or not – and this is hardly a question that should be exclusive to young Christian adults! – perhaps a helpful place to start is by challenging the underlying cultural script that typically drives our adoption of new technologies. ”

Thirteen Benefits of Church-Based Biblical Counseling | Biblical Counseling Coalition
“Robert Jones shares his passion for counseling done within the church, counseling which is done as part of the normal day to day activities of a congregation.”

Princeton professor discusses free speech
Timothy George with multiple examples of the negative effects of intellectual homogeneity in his own experience as an academic at Princeton.

Kindle Books

Crossway Series: Theologians on the Christian Life. Stack up on these outstanding biographies on sale for $3.99. My favorite is Dane Ortlund’s book on Edwards, closely followed by Tony Reinke’s on John Newton.

Awaiting a Savior: The Gospel, the New Creation, and the End of Poverty by Aaron Armstrong $2.99.

1,000 Things to Love About America: Celebrating the Reasons We’re Proud to Call the U.S.A. Home $0.99. Brighten up your Monday and escape from the election season for a while. Then, more seriously…

Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox (1882-1940) $1.99.


Monty Williams speaks at wife’s funeral
I’d never heard of this guy before, but anyone who can speak at his wife’s funeral like this deserves the utmost respect. You can read more details here:  What Would You Say If Your Wife Was Ripped Away?