
Beware of Quicksand: How One Stranger’s Comment Changed My Marriage Forever | Becky Thompson

“Friend, we are fools if we think for a second that marriage isn’t a battlefield. We are fools if we believe that the enemy doesn’t have carefully laid plans in place to destroy our families. But we don’t have to live as though we are naïve to his schemes. Should you be afraid of every encounter with someone who is not your spouse? No way. But should we let ever y outside comment and kindness turn us back toward our spouse? Absolutely. We should remember that the love that we crave from our spouse is often the love that we have to give them.”

American Girls and Their Social Media Lives
Review of an important book of cultural analysis:

“Over the course of two and a half years, Sales traveled the country and interviewed more than 200 girls (aged 13 to 19) about social media and sexuality. These encounters are all documented in American Girls. She divides her book into seven chapters, each covering a year of teenhood and the themes that emerged from her conversations with each age group.”

Helping the Young Engage The Sermon
Please click through and see the excellent handout this church has put together help their children listen to sermons.

Letters to the Editor (Public Schools, Gossip)
Worth reading for the interaction with Tim’s post about public school teachers.

15 Pieces of Writing Advice from C. S. Lewis | Justin Taylor
You might also want to read 14 Proven Writing Tips from Genius Writers.

Six Foolish Things I Used to Believe about the Ministry | One Degree to Another
“So that others can learn from them, here are a few of the foolish things I used to believe about the ministry. (In ten years I will write about the foolish things I believed about the ministry in 2016.)”

Kindle Books

For your non-Kindle book buying, please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.

Loving Jesus More by Phil Ryken $1.99.

Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing by Sally Lloyd-Jones $1.99. See also by the same author The Jesus Storybook Bible ($1.99) and The Story of God’s Love for You ($1.99).

Songs of a Suffering King by J. V Fesko $2.99.

New Book

Church in Hard Places: How the Local Church Brings Life to the Poor and Needy by Mike McKinley and Mez McConnell (see promotional video below).


How Can We Encourage Socio-Economic Diversity in the Church?

You can also buy Church in Hard Places by Mike McKinley and Mez McConnell.