
Online Friendships Are Not Enough | Phillip Holmes, Desiring God
“While online friends are indeed real people for whom we may have genuine affection, it’s essentially impossible for them to actually know the real you. This doesn’t mean these friendships have to be ended, but they do need to be regulated.”

A Survey of Male-Only Ordination in Key New Testament Texts | Richard D. Phillips, Reformation21 Blog
“The biblical teaching on male-only ordination is not reasonably in doubt. What is in doubt is our commitment to the authority of Scripture in the face of mounting cultural demands.”

Overcoming Anger | Joe Thorn, For The Church
“One of the most influential books to help me in this area of overcoming anger was Matthew Henry’s Quest for Meekness and Quietness of Spirit.”

How to Help the Suicidal | Josh Squires, Desiring God
“How do we respond to someone contemplating suicide? With loving compassion and winsome honesty. ”

Should Christians Support Gun Control? | Thomas S. Kidd, TGC
“It is unseemly for Christians to be pro-gun zealots who automatically say ‘no’ to even the most modest reforms. Yet we also know the nature of man, and the nature of governments. Sometimes, as a people and a nation, we must confront forces of violence by using armed force in return.”

Sorry, Jen Hatmaker: Christians Aren’t Complicit in Orlando| Derryck Green, Juicy Ecumenism
“Christians who stand against redefining marriage and the homosexualization of our culture are deliberately and dishonestly conflated with ‘hate,’ ‘dishonor’ and being ‘anti-LGBTQ,’ none of which is accurate.”

Rule Requires Doctors To Treat Trans Patients As Pretend Sex | Maria Servold, The Federalist
“The consequences of a doctor’s decision not to treat a patient acting like the opposite sex now range from loss of federal funding to civil lawsuits to potential criminal investigation.”

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Christless Christianity: The Alternative Gospel of the American Church by Michael Horton ($2.51)

David Brainerd: A Flame for God by Vance Christie ($1.99)