
Why We Need Christians in Law Enforcement | Charles Holmes, Jr., Reformed African American Network
“Growing up in a house where both of my parents were black and in law enforcement gave me a very interesting perspective on police and police brutality. While many people, especially African American men, may feel like they would be sell outs if they joined “the enemy” (law enforcement), or even spoke well of “the enemy” or the criminal justice system, there remains a huge need for black police officers, and more specifically Christian black officers in our criminal justice system.”

Why study Leviticus? | Kim Shay, Out of the Ordinary
“There are many reasons to study Leviticus, but time and space don’t allow me to probe them all. I will, however, share one good reason: because in his first epistle, the apostle Peter relies on it to explain what holiness is.”

Prince Harry Finally Opens Up About His Mother’s Death | Bethany Mandel, The Federalist
Here’s an insight into how the world processes death and grieving.

An Overlooked Tool for Making Decisions in Our Fallen World| Dr. Anne Bradley, Institute for Faith, Work, and Economics
“Economics provides a framework for understanding how to navigate a fallen world, glorify God through our vocation, and provide for the common good of society.”

10 Ways To Create More Margin in Your Time | Ron Edmondson
“How do you create more margin in your schedule – to do the things you w ant to do and the things you need to do?”

Free E-Book: “Practicing Affirmation” by Sam Crabtree | Cross-Points eBooks and Resources
This was a life-transforming book for me. Answer a few questions and get a free digital copy of Practicing Affirmation today.

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Creation: An Arena for Praising God