
Report Debunks ‘Transgender’ Label For Kids
This is a must-read as a new report, based upon science, debunks many of the myths being propagated about human sexuality.

Have Lots Of Children. It’s Good For The Planet
Dismantles the environmentalists’ case for protecting our kids by not having them.

Having Mental Illness Is Like Being In Fight Club
“If you really want to help those who are struggling, don’t assume they’re sinning. Listen. Ask questions. Ask them what it feels like. Pray for them. Be present with them. Don’t prescribe solutions. There may be a time for that, but certainly not right away.”

The Pressure Of The Pastorate
“The #1 mistake I see pastors make is living in isolation. We don’t mean to, but we just get busy, overcommitted, overextended, exhausted, and sometimes even numb. After a long week of ministry, many of us just want to go home and binge on Netflix or self-medicate in some other way. What’s missing in the lives of many megachurch pastors I know is genuine friendship, camaraderie, koinonia, and intimacy. We are missing relationships that are FOR us and WITH us, not just BEHIND us or UNDER us.”

The Effects of Hostility and Betrayal upon the Mind and Body
“Sadly, hostility and betrayal are part of the human experience and even the Christian life. Hardly a week goes by that God does not have me minister to someone who is experiencing this kind of pain in some form. But I can say, for myself, that experiencing hostility and betrayal in the past has changed me. It has made me a different, more compassionate pastor (I hope); and more effective counselor (I think), as does the continued study of the most honest book in the Bible—the book of Psalms.”

Ministry is Discouragement
“My point is simply to say that ministry forces us to face discouragement, to learn to minister through it and even to rejoice in it–and not just once or twice but continually over the course of our lives. Whatever else we may face in ministry, we can be assured that we will face discouragement. It is a constant. And that is why I oftentimes say that ministry is discouragement.”

Kindle Books

For your non-Kindle book buying needs please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.

Three excellent books for a combined total of $10! That’s a ton of reading, education, edification, and, hopefully, sanctification for the cost of a couple of Starbucks. Plus, there’s a great sale at Reformation Heritage Books with up to 70% of Christian Focus books.

A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Loving the Old Testament by Alec Motyer $1.99.

What’s Best Next: How the Gospel Transforms the Way you Get Things Done by Matt Perman $3.99.

Humilitas: A Lost Key to Love, Life, and Leadership by John Dickson $3.99.


The Next 500 Years
Here’s a neat video promoting Ligonier’s next national conference, March 9-11, 2017.