
All That Terror Teaches: Have We Learned Anything?
Al Mohler’s reflection on 9/11.

What To Do (and What Not To Do) When Your Pastor Resigns
As someone said, when a pastor leaves a church, some are glad, some are sad, and some are mad!

They Unchurched the Church
A non-Christian visits a mega-church with a mini-gospel.

Technology Will Never Satisfy
Nathan Bingham on the latest Apple product launch:

As a geek and an Apple fan, I confess the air is always electric on days like today. But sadly, many view these live events not as product announcements, but as occasions of revelation—a day when Apple offers a new salve to sooth the itch of life. The truth is, technology will never satisfy. No matter how promising and brilliant, technology is not the savior and will disappoint.

Jonathan Edwards and the Bible’s Historical Reliability
The battle for the Bible was raging even in Jonathan Edwards’ day.

Nisbet on Motivations for Holiness
Need more motivations to holiness? Here are 12!

Seven Ways Pastors Can Deal with the Monday Blues

Kindle Books

For your non-Kindle book buying needs please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.

The Trellis and the Vine by Colin Marshall and Tony Payne $0.99.

The Archer and the Arrow: Preaching the Words of God by Colin Marshall $1.99.


Here’s another great video from Darryl Bradford. It’s a recap of the recent PRTS conference.