9 Myths about Abortion Rights and Roe v. Wade
“In his book Abuse of Discretion: The Inside Story of Roe v. Wade, Clarke Forsythe highlights a number of myths that led to the ruling in Roe—myths that, unfortunately, continue to be believed today.”

How to Ensure You Never Have Another Terrible Meeting
Oh, yes please.

When You Have a Case of the Monday’s on Sunday
“I woke up Sunday morning with zero confidence that I’d be able to preach that day. Actually it wasn’t the preaching that scared me, it was the need for me as a pastor to be “on”. Shaking hands, having conversations, fielding questions, just being social was the last thing I wanted to do. And knowing that I had an ice cream social, deacons meeting, Sunday evening service, and business meeting staring down at me didn’t inspire confidence either.”

Calling a Ministry Time-out
“I just talked to a highly effective, yet exhausted pastor, who was looking for some ministry coaching on keeping a sustainable schedule.”

Preaching the Funeral of an Unbeliever
“Here are a few things to which we might consider committing to if we are given the opportunity to preach the funeral of an unbeliever:”

20 Pieces of Advice for Establishing a Church Bookstall
“The goal of a church bookstall isn’t actually to sell books. It’s a discipleship tool. Your goal is not to include every Christian book you can, or even every good Christian book you can. The goal is to highlight the particular books you really want your congregation to read.”

The Myth of Influence
“For a long time, I have felt that the cause of biblical Christianity has been undermined in our time by sincere people who engage in unbiblical activities for the sake of “being an influence.” The sad and ironic result of those actions has been harm to the cause of Christ and little or no positive influence has actually occurred. The myth of influence seduces Christians into believing that by compromising important theological truths more people can be influenced for Christ.”

The Synagogues Are Burning Again in Germany
“There is shocking news this week from Germany. Three Palestinian Muslims who torched a synagogue in Wuppertal, Germany have been given suspended sentences because their actions allegedly represented a justified criticism of Israel. A regional court has upheld the decision of a lower court, also agreeing that the actions of these Muslim men were not antisemitic. And to think that this happened in Germany, a nation that still bears the shame of the Holocaust.”

Kindle Books

Peacemaking Women: Biblical Hope for Resolving Conflict $2.99.

Stressed Out: A Practical, Biblical Approach to Anxiety $2.99. Helpful for “common everyday anxiety,” not so much for clinical anxiety.