
How the U.S. Marines Encourage Service-Based Leadership | Angie Morgan and Courtney Lynch, Harvard Business Review
“If managers want to get the most out of every team member, they can adopt many of the Marine Corps’s service-based leadership practices. Understanding the concept isn’t enough; they must overcome the three common barriers that prevent managers from putting the needs of their employees first: awareness, time, and unhealthy competition.”

Encouragement for Discouraged Pastors | Jay Sanders, LifeWay Pastors
Jay’s answer to discouragement? “Cut the grass!” It’s not as crazy as it sounds.

Stott’s Simple—Yet Surprising—Productivity Secret | Kevin Halloran, For The Church
“Take a quiet day once a month. Go away into the country, if you can, where you can be sure of being undisturbed. Stand back, look ahead, and consider where you are going. Allow yourself to be drawn up into the mind and perspective of God. Try to see things as he sees them. Relax!”

Pastors and Retirement Stewardship | Chris Cagle, Retirement Stewardship
“The same powerful forces that are at work and that make planning and preparing for retirement necessary for you and me are just as important to pastors. Things such as increased longevity, the need for income for life, taxes, inflation, the uncertainty of investments, and escalating healthcare costs, are all in play.”

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Sons in the Son: The Riches and Reach of Adoption in Christ by David B. Garner

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God in the White House: A History: How Faith Shaped the Presidency from John F. Kennedy to George W. Bush by Randall Balmer ($1.99)