
Help Me Teach the Bible: Ed Welch on Helping Those Battling Shame, Addiction, or Anxiety | Nancy Guthrie, TGC
“In this conversation, Welch demonstrates how to present the Scriptures in a way that leads people who are seeking strategies or techniques for dealing with sins and problems to see that what they need most is a person, Jesus Christ. While admitting that applying Scripture to problems is hard work, Welch invites Bible teachers to move from teacher to friend by getting to know those we’re teaching enough to be affected by them.”

Grieving the Loss of Dreams | Kara Dedert, En Route
“Your circumstances are different, but maybe you’re life is also at a point so low, a place where every dream has been lost. Don’t settle for clinging to ashes. Turn with your lost dreams to Jesus, for the first time or as your life-long posture. He is holding more than a dream; He is offering the reality of a life in Him that can never be lost.”

To PhD or Not to PhD | Todd Chipman, For The Church
Four factors that might compel a student to pursue a PhD and four factors that might make someone pause.

5 Realities About the Weight of Pastoring | Eric Geiger
“When the apostle Paul listed all his sufferings, he concluded the list with referencing his burden for the churches he served. The weight of pastoring, though filled with immense joy, was a weight that topped Paul’s list of suffering.”

Nine Common Tensions Pastors Face | Thom Rainer, LifeWay Pastors
“Every day, pastors and other church staff make intentional decisions about what is important in their lives and ministries. Often, the decisions they must make are between competing demands. These decision points are tensions in the lives of pastors and church staff. The directions they choose shape their ministries.”

Counsel For The Counselor | Matt Capps, For The Church
“…how do I prepare for the unexpected emotional and spiritual burdens that accompany pastoral counseling? I would like to offer three practical suggestions and two theological truths to help my fellow pastors in this area.”

Preaching the Ten Commandments | Ray Ortlund, TGC
“When I preach through the Ten Commandments, each sermon has four points, because each commandment does four things at once.”

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This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years by Jaquelle Crowe

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A Simple Christianity: Rediscover the Foundational Principles of Our Faith by John MacArthur ($1.59)

Knowing Scripture by R. C. Sproul ($3.99)

The Whole Christ: Legalism, Antinomianism, and Gospel Assurance—Why the Marrow Controversy Still Matters by Sinclair B. Ferguson ($3.99)

Rejoicing in Christ by Michael Reeves ($4.99)


Parents, Disciple Your Teens (While There’s Still Time) | Jaquelle Crow, Crossway