
Four Useful Ministries by Deacons |
“…the Bible is not abundantly clear on how deacon roles should be carried out practically day-by-day. I have enjoyed interacting with hundreds of pastors who have shared with me how their church’s deacon ministry plays out. Here are four of the more common themes.”

How Oxford and Peter Singer drove me from atheism to Jesus | Sarah Irving-Stonebraker, The Veritas Forum
“I grew up in Australia, in a loving, secular home, and arrived at Sydney University as a critic of ‘religion.’ I didn’t need faith to ground my identity or my values. I knew from the age of eight that I wanted to study history at Cambridge and become a historian. My identity lay in academic achievement, and my secular humanism was based on self-evident truths…”

Has the Gospel-Centered Pendulum Swung Too Far? | Mark Ward, LogosTalk
“In the most recent issue of Themelios—a theological journal you can get for free in Logos—Dane Ortlund helps us arrest one particularly powerful pendulum swing. His article, ‘Reflections on Handling the Old Testament as Jesus Would Have Us: Psalm 15 as a Case Study,’ addresses the ‘remarkable resurgence of Christocentric interpretation,’ an ‘impulse to resist moralistic and graceless readings’ of Scripture. The relatively recent popularity of biblical theology and of ‘gospel-centeredness’ are also part of this particular pendulum swing.”

The Ninth Commandment and the Pain of Social Media | Nathan W. Bingham
“But as Christians, we serve the God of truth. We follow the One who said, ‘You shall not bear false witness…’ (Exodus 20:16). On the world’s largest stage we need to be vigilant. It takes an intentional commitment to truth, and a daily reliance upon the Holy Spirit, to combat the current of our culture.”

John Owen on Revival | Danny Hyde, Meet the Puritans
Danny encourages us to seek true revival.

A Mom, Son, Basic Training, and the Gospel | David Prince
“Who knew my son enlisting in the US military would draw me closer to God and make me a better soldier of the Son by teaching me more about what it means to, “Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 2:2-3)?”

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Reading God’s Story: A Chronological Daily Bible by George Guthrie ($2.99)

Why bother with church?: And other questions about why you need it and why it needs you by Sam Allberry ($2.99)

New Book

Seven Leaders: Pastors and Teachers by Iain H. Murray


Pro-Grace: The Third Option in the Abortion Debate
I don’ know much about this group but the video is challenging.

Nabeel Qureshi’s Wife Shares ‘Toughest Part’ about Husband’s Ordeal