
Four Types of Questions NOT to Ask in Your Small Group Bible Study
Melissa Kruger on the importance of asking the right questions in education:

The more years I taught, the more I realized students learned as much from my questions as my explanations. While lecture may offer knowledge, comprehension and even some application, questions force students deeper into Bloom’s taxonomy–analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Questions allow students to verbalize their understanding and learn as they share their answers. The mind focuses and engages in a different way when asked something than when told something.

Get Up, Stand Up!
The New York Times on the dangers of sitting

The scientists then found strong statistical correlations between sitting and mortality. The men and women who sat for the most hours every day, according to their accelerometer data, had the highest risk for early death, especially if this sitting often continued for longer than 30 minutes at a stretch. The risk was unaffected by age, race, gender or body mass. It also was barely lowered if people exercised regularly. But interestingly, the risk of early death did drop if sitting time was frequently interrupted. People whose time spent sitting usually lasted for less than 30 minutes at a stretch were less likely to have died than those whose sitting was more prolonged, even if the total hours of sitting time were the same.

Suggested Steps for Going from Text to Sermon
Great checklist, and not just for beginning preachers.

Why Relaxing Vacations Should Be at Least Eight Days Long
“Sometimes a quick vacation is better than nothing, but if you can swing it, try for at least eight days. Research suggests you need at least that much time to truly unwind and feel refreshed.

Pastoring Singles in a Sex-Crazed, Gender-Confused World
“Christian singles must pursue holiness in a world of friends with benefits, genderless children, and polyamory. They’ll be tested as to what they believe about sexuality, gender, and marriage. We all will. If we’re to shepherd singles faithfully in this sex-crazed, gender-confused world, we need to ground them in what the Bible teaches about being a Christian and being single. Here are six truths the Bible affirms about singleness.”

How to Journal through the Psalms
Journal your way through each psalm under three subheads: Prepare, Personalize, and Pray. Let’s give it a try with Psalm 3.

Kindle Books

Troubled Minds: Mental Illness and the Church’s Mission by Amy Simpson $4.99. Wonderful book. Cannot commend it enough.

Anxious: Choosing Faith in a World of Worry by Amy Simpson $3.99. A real eye-opener into the complex nature of anxiety and the need for a holistic approach.

Forgotten Songs by Ray Van Neste $2.99.