
Are You Using Social Media or Being Used By It?
Cal Newport: “Let me make a suggestion that the social media industrial complex fears far more: change your relationship with these services to shift from compulsive to controlled use.”

The Holiness of Small Things
God has called His people to a myriad of different roles and responsibilities, places and positions: mothers in the suburbs, teachers in the inner city, employees in the factory, daughters making dinner, singles serving the church, wives writing books, and so on. And yet despite this great diversity of labors and locations, we are all called to one common life work, and that is the work of holiness.

What If Prayer Makes Anxiety Worse?
“This is why I still pray…or try to pray…in the midst of darkness. Because eventually the gospel wins out and God breaks through. It happened with Bunyan and it happens with me.”

11 Ways Engaged Couples Should Deal with Finances Now
“Marriage gurus name the three big areas of conflict as sex, parenting, and finances. How can you prevent future fights over money? Here are 11 recommendations.”

Are You “Struggling” With Sin?
“I’ve noticed that way too often “I’m struggling with…” language seems to really mean “I don’t like the fact that I like doing this sin that I’m going to keep doing, no matter what.”"

Help for the Beat-Up Pastor
“If you are feeling beat up, take in these two views, look back and look ahead. Here you will find help and even refreshment for your weary soul.”

50 Reasons We Appreciate Our Pastors
“A couple weeks ago, we invited our readers to enter to win a free resource library for their pastors. To enter the drawing, we asked respondents to finish the following sentence: “In the last year, I have appreciated my pastor because he . . .” In total, we received nearly 900 responses detailing the many reasons people appreciate, love, and respect their spiritual leaders. We were so encouraged by what we read that we wanted to share 50 of our favorite responses below.”

7 Spurgeon Quotes for Stressed Leaders
Despite Spurgeon’s encouragements in the minisry, “he battled anxiety, depression, and significant suffering. He knew the pressures of leadership and ministry like few others. Here are seven encouragements from one tired, stressed, faithful leader to you”

Kindle Books

For your non-Kindle book buying needs please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.

Ordinary: Sustainable Faith in a Radical, Restless World by Michael Horton $2.99.

Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxes $2.99.

Preaching and Preachers by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones $3.99.

Redemption Accomplished & Applied by John Murray $2.99. This was the first Christian book I read and I’m still learning from it.