
God Wants to Shape Your Wants: An Invitation to the Psalms
“God wants our hearts. He will take them as he finds them. And then, with the healing balm of the Psalms, he will shape them. Accept his invitation to come. On the front door, he has promised, Enter here. Find your delight in lingering here in meditation.”

Most Doctors Have Little or No Management Training, and That’s a Problem
You can substitute “pastors” for “doctors.”

What Does the Old Testament Say about the Trinity?
“Here are some traditional proofs (some more compelling than others) for the presence of the Trinity in the Old Testament.”

Waiting Outside an Abortion Clinic Years Ago Was Worth It
“I estimate conservatively that, in a span of ten years, over the course of my weekly shifts, I saw at least 2,500 women go into the clinics (quite possibly twice that). Roughly a couple dozen of them told me upon leaving the clinic that they had decided to keep the baby. Some of them accepted the help I offered while others said they didn’t need it. And how many more changed their minds without ever speaking to me, I will never know on this side of heaven.”

Feeding on Christ: The Pastoral Year in Review
Nick Batzig is one of my favorite writers on the Internet. I love his Christ-centered pastoral writing, especially his unique gift of making profound biblical theology short and simple. Here’s a list of all his articles written in the past year.

8 Marks of True Reformers
Lessons from Swiss reformer Ulrich Zwingli’s (1584—1531) advice to his contemporaries.

Julius Kim on Teaching for Attention and Retention
Great advice for all teachers.

Kindle Books

For your non-Kindle book buying needs please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.

Pastoring the Pastor by Tim Cooper  and Kelvin Gardiner $2.99.

Church History in Plain Language by Dr. Bruce L. Shelley $3.99.