
How To Teach Your Brain Something It Won’t Forget A Week Later
I’m a firm believer in “spacing.” See my post on it here at #10.

Preaching with Integrity
“I so appreciate the practical wisdom of Dr. Adrian Rogers when he said, “If my bullet fits your gun shoot it, but use your own powder.”  We don’t hear enough of that kind of practical, pastoral insight in today’s academically saturated church-world. So, how should a pastor who has to preach multiple times every week to the same congregation handle the issue of preaching and plagiarism? He’s my rule: Don’t be lazy and don’t be a liar. What does that mean? What does that look like?”

Ten Commandments of a Disability-Friendly Church
“What do you need to be a disability-friendly church? Do you need a staff person assigned to a formal disability ministry? Do you need a large budget and a special curriculum? All of those things can be helpful, but becoming disability-friendly is much simpler than that. I have both pastored and attended only small churches over the past two decades and have witnessed the loving and welcoming of those with disabilities. Any church can become a safe place that embraces people of all disabilities. I have an article on this in the current issue of Faith Today. But you can begin with these ten simple steps. ”

Your Child is a Work of Art
“Psalm 139 tells me that my son, with all his unique needs and diagnosis (spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy, microcephaly) is a personal creation, a sacred work of art of God himself. He matters to God. Be encouraged, your child is a sacred work of art crafted by the Creator of the universe. And he knows every single detail of your child, they are his masterpiece.”

3 Lessons I learned from Burnout
“Pastors aren’t supposed to have breakdowns. We’re supposed to be in control, collected, stoic. Pastors exist to help others in their needs, and through our work, be able to rise above our own.  Unaware of what was brewing underneath the surface of my soul, I believed the lie that pastoral work required me to be fixed, resolved, finished. So I thought. Yet, God has humbled me, bringing me to the end of myself and the beginning of his grace.  ”

Saying “Yes”
“So many people I know have died over the past two years—more people than in the previous ten. A few died from disease, a few more died from suicide, but most died from overdoses. Among those who overdosed, the stories began to sound the same. They often began with legal narcotics when a physician prescribed something for pain relief (Percocet, Vicodin, Oxycontin). The drug worked until the person developed tolerance, and then looked for and found either more of the drug or—something worse. Heroin was cheaper and became the drug of choice. It was eventually supplemented by fentanyl or carfentanyl, and the person unintentionally overdosed. And the deaths keep coming.”

10 Theological Tenets for Covenantal Apologetics
“I want to suggest 10 tenets to keep in mind as you begin to have apologetic conversations with unbelieving friends and neighbors. These 10 tenets flow from biblical truth, and find agreement with what many have said in the Reformed tradition”

A Year in PRRD (Week 1) – Meet the Puritans
“Every Wednesday in 2018 Michael Lynch (PhD candidate at Calvin Theological Seminary) and our own editor Danny Hyde (PhD candidate at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) will be blogging through Richard Muller’s Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics.

Kindle Books

For your non-Kindle book buying needs please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.

Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life  by Donald S. Whitney $1.99.

The 3D Gospel: Ministry in Guilt, Shame, and Fear Cultures by Jayson Georges $3.99.

Developments in Biblical Counseling by J. Cameron Fraser $2.99.

  • Kim

    How to teach your brain…are Modular courses the best choice? Everything is crammed in one week…Wow!

    • David Murray

      Simple answer, no. Sometimes it’s a necessity but it’s definitely not the best (or most enjoyable) way to learn.