
Disowned for Jesus | Desiring God
A stirring testimony:

“When I left Islam to follow Jesus, I didn’t know what it would cost me. I hadn’t realized what it would take to deny myself, lay my life down, and take up my cross (Matthew 16:24). I wasn’t aware that even the precious relationships of my family should not come between me and following Christ — that I should even hate my family compared to my love for Jesus (Luke 14:26).”

Designed for smiling
“Happiness seems to be hard-wired into us. We are designed to smile, and made for joy. We are born that way, live longer that way, and prosper that way. And that’s exactly what the Bible says—we are made for joy. God is, in his three-fold existence, uniquely joy-filled. We are made by Him to know Him, and in knowing Him to enjoy joy.”

On Getting & Keeping Masculine Men in Church
This and the next article are by the same author. An extremely important subject:

“One of the things I’m grateful for over my 30 plus years of ministry is I’ve had a lot of good men in my churches. Getting them into church and keeping them there hasn’t been a big problem for me. I’d say my congregations have been roughly split, 50/50 between men and women. From all I’ve seen and heard, that’s unusual. And it isn’t just the result of belonging to a particular denomination, or holding to a particular theology. In two of the churches I formerly served my successors managed to drive the men out and return the ratios to something more like the norm–70/30 favoring women.”

Androphobia Is a Real Thing: And Many Pastors Suffer From It

“Everybody wants to reach the upper east side of Manhattan with all those artists and stockbrokers. And we should try to reach those folks. But you know what? Prioritizing those people at the expense of these men leads to bubbleization. And I know too many bubble-boy church planters who look more like Resnikoff than the Apostle Paul. Paul knew how to work with his hands. I suspect Paul wouldn’t have needed to call a plumber, even though he’d likely have known several personally.”

Five Ways to Be a More Effective Leader in 2019
“Five ways I think all of us can be more effective and Christ-honoring as we begin our leadership service this year. I hope these will provide you some food for thought as you reflect on where God has you and who he has under your care.”

Shepherds Gone Astray
“The very nature of the pastorate is being intentionally overhauled and the “new” worldly paradigm does not look much different from that which God condemned in the Old Testament.”

Wine, Women, and Social Anxiety: Helping Women Who Use Alcohol to Inoculate Fear
“Maybe you live in mortal terror of the mandatory office party, church fellowship, or bridal shower. You want to escape, hide, and forget. You don’t want to be drunk; you just want to shave off anxiety’s edge with a glass (or two) of pre-event wine.[1] If you’ve ever tried to inoculate fear with alcohol, you’re not alone. Women are consuming alcohol at record-high rates[2] and often drink to tame anxiety in social settings. How does the gospel speak to social anxiety? How does Christ offer freedom to vice-burdened hearts?”

Kindle Books

Pilgrim’s Progress in Today’s English $4.71.

The Promises of God: Discovering the One Who Keeps His Word by R. C. Sproul $0.99.

The God Who Is There: Finding Your Place in God’s Story by D. A. Carson $1.99.