
Postpartum Depression and the Christian
“In some women, however, despair lingers and takes root. Up to 13 percent of mothers suffer from postpartum depression (PPD), which the American Psychiatric Association defines as an episode of major depression during pregnancy or within four weeks following delivery (although many clinicians make the diagnosis within a year postpartum). The effects of clinical depression, heavy on the heart under any circumstance, can prove especially shattering when heaped on top of the strains and expectations of motherhood. ”

Why You Can’t Think Straight When You’re Sleep Deprived
“Sleep deprivation… disrupts levels of chemicals, including serotonin, dopamine, and cortisol, that affect thought, mood, and energy. leaves key areas of the brain in an “always on” state of activation. activates genes that interfere with optimal brain activity.”

American Psychological Association Claims ‘Traditional Masculinity’ Is ‘Psychologically Harmful’
“An influential psychological organization claims that “traditional masculinity” can be psychologically harmful. But in criticizing masculinity they reveal the danger of androgyny.”

How Biblical Doctrine Makes Us Beautiful
“The Reformation was intimately tied to beauty, goodness, and human flourishing because the Reformers were seeing—through Scripture—God’s glory shine. And as God’s glory is made known, it’s in that light that we are saved. It’s in that light of God’s glory that human lives flourish. It’s in seeing the beauty, goodness, and the truth of God that we come more fully alive. ”

Mental Illness and the Church
“These issues can feel overwhelming, but they are an important part of loving the people we serve well. We should be committed to seeking out the best training we have access to so that we may love people in truth. Let’s intentionally seek out ways we can be more effective hands and feet to those struggling with mental illness in our communities.”

Kindle Book

Only one book today but well worth getting.

Preaching Christ from the Old Testament: A Contemporary Hermeneutical Method by Sidney Greidanus $3.99.