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4 Approaches to a Balanced Complementarianism | Reformation21 Blog
“I would offer the following four approaches that will help us practice the Bible’s gender teaching while avoiding harmful and unbiblical excesses: ”

50 People 1 Question | Challies
“If you could be any age, what age would you be?”

The Right Kind of Atheist | Desiring God
“Books, albums, and movies rarely make me weep, but my eyes were wet when I came to the final pages of the new book, The Faith of Christopher Hitchens: The Restless Soul of the World’s Most Notorious Atheist”

7 Troubling Questions About Transgender Theories | TGC

Is Multitasking Preventing Us From Being Faithful Stewards?
What if tackling multiple tasks at once hinders our ability to be good stewards in the workplace?

Counselors Need Conscience Protections Like Tennessee’s
A new law protects counselors who want to practice without violating their consciences.

Kindle Books

Bit of a feminine flavor today.

Glimpses of Grace: Treasuring the Gospel in Your Home by Gloria Furman $3.99.

50 Women Every Christian Should Know: Learning from Heroines of the Faith $0.99.

Joni and Ken: An Untold Love Story $1.99.

Understanding Sexual Identity: A Resource for Youth Ministry by Mark Yarhouse $3.99.

“I’m Winning With Evangelicals”

Last September, I wrote Why is Donald Trump Winning Over Evangelical Voters? In view of last night’s stunning victory, I thought I’d post an updated version of that post. THIS IS NOT AN ENDORSEMENT BUT AN EXPLANATION.

In almost every speech Donald Trump says, “I’m winning with Evangelicals.” He did the same in his Indiana victory speech last night. Although there is some debate about whether he really is winning a majority of Evangelicals, he’s clearly won a lot of them and in my conversations with Christians, I’ve been surprised at how many are secretly (very secretly) supporting him.


It certainly can’t be his Christianity. Despite his protestations, he doesn’t have much of that. Consider the following:

  • He’s on his third marriage.
  • He runs the Miss World contest.
  • He boasts continuously about his self-made-ness.
  • He can’t name a favorite Bible verse.
  • He says he doesn’t ask God for forgiveness.
  • He takes communion because it makes him feel cleaner.
  • He says he’s a church-goer but his church says he’s not an active member.
  • He regularly insults people who disagree with him.
  • He is rude towards women and minorities.
  • “He personifies greed, embodies pride, radiates lust.”

As New York Times columnist Frank Bruni, put it, “I don’t see someone interested in serving God. I see someone interested in being God.”

On top of all that, many of the other candidates, including the last one to fall, Ted Cruz, were evangelicals and had a record to prove it.

Why? Why? Why?

So why the increasing levels of support for Trump while “evangelical” candidates have sunk? Columnists of every stripe and hue are struggling to answer this question, (just Google “Evangelicals and Trump” to sample the media disarray on the question).

In a previous article I wrote about how much of his support is coming from Republicans who have come to despise the political class. As Peggy Noonan put it recently: “His rise is not due to his supporter’s anger at government. It’s a gesture of contempt for government, for the men and women in Congress, the White House, the agencies.”

Americans want to punish the political establishment, both red and blue, for their multiple failures and are looking for someone, anyone, to be a battering ram through politics as usual. As someone said, trying to explain Trump’s popularity, “He’s giving voice to what millions of Americans are yelling at their TVs every night.”

Within a few weeks of Trump’s campaign launch last week, it was obvious to me that this guy could make it all the way. I saw the widespread frustration with the political culture, especially the disconnect between elite politicians and ordinary people, and the ever-rising taxes and living costs for the squeezed middle-class. There was a deep longing for an outsider to come in and shake things up. Conservatives were fed up with the Republicans’ cowardly surrenders to the slightest media criticism, and admired Trump’s disregard for what mainstream journalists thought of him. They were sick of all the promises that never seemed to produce any action, and angry at the use of political correctness to silence debate and sideline Christian views.

Anti-politician and Anti-media

But anti-politician feeling can’t explain all of Trump’s support. In talking to people, I’ve heard some Christians express an additional thought, and that’s anti-media sentiment. As one woman put it to me, “People are fed up with journalists choosing our candidates and presidents.”

That might explain why Trump’s support surged even after he feuded with the popular conservative journalist, Megyn Kelly. It also explains why the more the media hammer Trump, the more his support grows. People want to send a message not just to the politicians but to the media that it’s “we the people” who choose our leaders not “you the media.” People are sick and tired of the media spinning, the utter dishonesty of so many journalists, the bias, the prejudice, and so on, and want to communicate how much they despise their opinions and practices.

Honesty or Hypocrisy

Although there were Christian alternatives for Republican nominee, I believe many Christians were thinking, “Well, every President for the last 40 years has said “I’m a Christian” and where did that get us?” Maybe it’s better to have someone who doesn’t pretend to be a Christian but who is not afraid of the media, who is not in it for personal enrichment, who is competent, and who is able to get things done. Someone who just does what he says he will do. Better honesty than hypocrisy.

The results and exit polls show that Christians are clearly prepared to risk sacrificing some previously important priorities for the possibly greater end of striking a hopefully fatal blow to the almost omnipotent and corrupt political and media establishment. They are taking a massive risk, but people, especially the middle class, have been driven to desperation by the Republicans giving their money to big business, by the Democrats giving their money to big welfare, and by journalists who have got way too big for their screens.

To put it simply, Christians, like much of the general population, are fed up with the lies and falsehoods of politicians and the media, and they want a clear out. Trump is their way of saying to all of them at once, “You’re fired!”

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Bringing Our Children to Jesus | Rick Phillips
“So how do parents foster a close relational bond that results in their children following in our ways? I would offer parents four commitments designed to build a strong discipling relationship with their children. I base it on four easy-to-remember words: Read – Pray – Work – Play. ”

From Blueprint to Building in Your Bible
“As an Old Testament professor I often get asked, “How does the Old Testament relate to the New?” Here’s an analogy I like to give in response: The Old Testament is the blueprint; the New Testament is the building.”

A Missing Ingredient in Good Preaching | TGC
“Could it be that simply being happy in being a pastor is one of the missing i ngredients in your preaching ministry and in your pastoral work?”

7 Preacher Landmines | Biblical Preaching
“In the path of the preacher there are many landmines – hidden explosives that can do untold damage to your ministry.”

13 End Times Errors to Avoid | Chris Brauns
“These mistakes discredit gospel proclamation and rob Christians of the blessings and wisdom God gives from meditating on this area of truth.”

Is Multitasking Preventing Us From Being Faithful Stewards?
“What If Tackling Multiple Tasks at Once Hinders Our Ability to Be Good Stewards in the Workplace?”

Embracing the Grief of Miscarriage | True Woman Blog | Revive Our Hearts
“I was twenty-one, a year into marriage, when those two pink lines first appeared. We rejoiced at the precious life entrusted to us. But soon after, I started bleeding and eventually miscarried in a crowded airport bathroom waiting to board a plane for Houston. I will never forget the excruciating emotional ”

Four Ways to Comfort a Grieving Friend | True Woman Blog | Revive Our Hearts
“In yesterday’s post, I shared a bout our three miscarriages and offered encouragement to those walking through similar seasons of suffering. Today I hope to share a few practical things you can do for a loved one who is grieving.”

Kindle Books

Sexual Fidelity: No Compromise by Mike Abendroth $2.99.

Lincoln’s Battle with God: A President’s Struggle with Faith and What it Meant for America by Stephen Mansfield $1.99.

Scientific Creationism by Henry Morris $2.99.


Why Science Turned Alister McGrath away from Atheism
Click through for two other videos of McGrath lecturing on the bankruptcy of scientific atheism.

The Gospel Goes Viral

Viral videos are marketing gold in the new economy. In the old economy, you paid a fortune to produce a 30-second TV commercial, then paid even more for a few peak-viewing slots, and you had no guarantee that your target audience would see it; and even then there was no way for them to share it if they liked it.

In the new economy, viral videos cost little to produce, and nothing to distribute, as people do it for you by sharing with their friends and followers on social media, who then share it with their network, and so on. No wonder there are now companies specializing in viral videos.

But the Gospel can also go viral, as John 1:36-51 demonstrates. Here are five lessons we can learn about making the Gospel infectious from that passage.

Social Networks
The closer the relationships in any social network, the more powerful the recommendation. For example, a restaurant review on Google or Yelp is more helpful than the impersonal marketing blurb on the restaurant website. But a personal recommendation on Facebook is even more influential than a Google or Yelp review.

The two social networks in John 1 are effective because of the closeness of the relationships. The first one goes from John the Baptist to two of his disciples (36); then one of them, Andrew, spreads the message to Simon (40-41); and, of course, Peter became the great Pentecostal preacher who saw thousands converted, and the great letter writer who has edified millions through the centuries.

The second social network goes from Jesus to Philip (43) to Nathaniel (45), whose story continues to be communicated from pulpits to this day.

Challenge: What is your social network and what are you doing to use these relationships to spread the Gospel?

Simple Message
Although corporations often think that the more information they pack into a video, the more successful it will be, viral marketers emphasize the need for a short and simple message, ideally with a human touch. That’s exactly what we see here.

  • Five words: Behold the lamb of God (36)
  • Five words: We have found the Messiah (41)
  • Two words: Follow me (43)
  • Six words: We have found the predicted Messiah (45)
  • Three words: Come and see (46)

Note how short, how simple, and how personal the messages are. All of them are so focused on Jesus.

Challenge: Are you excusing yourself from witnessing because you don’t know all the arguments, or can’t speak eloquently and persuasively? Look at how short, simple, personal, and effective the Gospel message can be!

Selfless Messengers
Viral marketers tell us that the best way to get people to enjoy your video, share your video, and respond to your message, is not to try and get money from them for your product, but to try and give them something that will benefit them.

That’s what we see here too: John the Baptist, Andrew, Peter, Jesus, Philip, Nathanael – all of them wanted to give something to people rather than get something from them.  They were not focused on their own gain but on the gain of everyone else.

Challenge: Andrew is mentioned three times in the Bible, and all three times he is selflessly bringing people to Jesus (John 1:40-41;  6:8; 12:22). Are we motivated by a desire to bless others and give to others?

Satisfies Need
It’s always easier to market a product to an existing need rather than try to create a new need that a product or service meets. And the more widespread and common the need, the better. Again, notice how the Gospel satisfies such common needs: 

  • The need for a satisfying sacrifice: Behold the lamb of God (36).
  • The need for a satisfying teacher: The two disciples were looking for a trustworthy rabbi to live with and follow (37-39).
  • The need for a satisfying purpose: Jesus gave Peter a new purpose in life – to be a rock for the future infant church (42).
  • The need for a satisfying relationship: “Follow me” (43) meant walking in Christ’s footsteps in the closest possible connection with him.
  • The need for satisfying fulfilment: Jesus was the climactic consummation of all Old Testament prophecy (45).
  • The need for satisfying answers: Jesus answered and satisfied Nathanael’s skeptical and suspicious questions (46).
  • The need for heavenly communication:  Jesus would open heaven to enable maximum communication from heaven to earth, and from earth to heaven, all via the medium of Christ’s person (51).

Challenge: Identify your needs, and the needs of those around you, and meet that need – no matter how many or how great – with the all-sufficient and all-suitable Gospel.

Significant Impact
The more impact a video makes on a person the more likely they are to share it. Same with the Gospel; the more impact it makes on us, the more likely we are to share it. John the Baptist, Andrew, Peter, Philip, and Nathanael were powerfully transformed by the Gospel and could not help but share it. They were contagious Christians full of Gospel enthusiasm.

Challenge: Pray that God would deeply infect you with the Gospel so that the health-giving contagion of grace will touch others in a life-changing and eternity-changing way.

Check Out


4 Ways Pornography Hurts The Environment And National Security | Dustin Murphy, The Federalist
“Some say climate change is the greatest threat to national security, but pornography actually poses a serious national security threat. Pornography is harmful to the environment and a national security risk in four ways: it (1) is an intellectual-environmental hazard; (2) changes our view of sexuality and women; (3) causes selfish, self-absorbed, self-centered (S₃), and narcissistic people; and (4) discriminates against women.”

Top Ten Reasons to Attend Evening Worship | Danny Hyde, Meet the Puritans
“A while back in my weekly email to my congregation, I gave my people my ‘Top Ten Reasons to Attend Evening Worship’ in an ongoing effort to educate, encourage, and exhort. They are not exhaustive and they apply to my context, in particular, but the principles should be applicable to any who reads this. May God move his people in our time to sanctify the Christian Sabbath, leading to a renewal of evening worship.”

4 Methods To Organize Your Prayer Life | Tim Challies
“But the principle is clear: Give time and effort to your prayer life, not only in praying, but also in preparing yourself to pray. A healthy prayer life consists not only of prayer, but also of preparation. I have long since found that the absolute best motivator in prayer is knowing what I am going to pray for. Vague ideas of prayer promote vague prayers. Disorganized methods of prayer promote disorganized prayers. Methods for prayer promote meaningful prayers. Why don’t you take some time today to organize your prayer life?”

10 Essential Pre-Reformation Writings | Nick Batzig, The Christward Collective
“…below is a list of 10 Pre-Reformation works that I would recommend to every young seminarian and pastor. While many, many others could be recommended, the following works from the Pre-Reformation era have been significant aids to my own Christian life, as well as to my preaching and teaching: ”

What Are We To Do? | Kyle Borg, Gentle Reformation
“What are we to do? I suspect that’s a question many Christians have been asking lately. The rapid sexual descent of our culture either has or will force every Christian to seriously ask it–Christians who might otherwise be content to play the part of the ostrich with their head stuck firmly in the sand. ”

A Q&A with the Apostle Paul on What’s Wrong with the Human Race and What God Did About It | Justin Taylor, TGC
“We sometimes think of the second half of the first chapter of Romans as a discourse about atheists…But in reality, it’s much more than this: a universal text that applies to all of us apart from Christ—what we are, what we do, and what we would do apart from God’s restraining and redeeming grace, with graphic examples to illustrate our truth-suppression and idolatrous identity.”

The Most Powerful Apologetic Tool in the World | Jon Bloom, Desiring God
“The Bible itself is the greatest apologetic device that exists in the world. More people come to know and love Jesus Christ simply by reading the Bible than anything else.”

Kindle Deals

For your non-Kindle book buying needs please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.

The Christian Mom’s Idea Book (Revised Edition): Hundreds of Ideas, Tips, and Activities to Help You Be a Great Mom by Ellen Banks Elwell ($2.99)

The Story of Everything: How You, Your Pets, and the Swiss Alps Fit into God’s Plan for the World by Jared C. Wilson ($2.99)

Leadership Gold: Lessons I’ve Learned from a Lifetime of Leading by John C. Maxwell ($3.99)


What If I Can’t Find Jesus in the Passage? | Tim Challies

Check out


Preacher’s Toolkit: How Do I Handle an Unbeliever’s Funeral?
How do ministers serve families whose deceased loved one has given no evidence of trust in Christ? Here are seven considerations.

5 Characteristics of Weak Leaders (and How Not to Be One)
Michael Hyatt highlights five flaws in Civil War General McClellan which define what it means to be a weak leader.

What I Have Learned About Pastoral Care By Going to the Doctor | TGC
Kevin DeYoung with lessons learned from being the one with problems rather than the problem solver.

Why Pastors Have Few Deep Friendships |
10 reasons why pastors struggle to make friends.

God Invites You into His Happiness | Desiring God
Mark Jones: “Of all God’s infinitely glorious attributes, perhaps his happiness should cause us the most envy. In God is the perfect union of all good things. He has an eternally infinite fullness, delight, and joy in himself – such that we shall never be able to fully appreciate what his joy is like for himself.”

25 Ways to Become an Instant Pro at Leading Meetings | 

Kindle Books

Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full: Gospel Meditations for Busy Moms by Gloria Furman $3.99.

Read the Bible for Life: Your Guide to Understanding and Living God’s Word by George Guthrie $0.99.

The Religious History of America by Edwin Gaustad $4.99

The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph by Ryan Holiday $1.99. This is not a Christian book, but it provides a fascinating glimpse into the popularity of modern stoicism which makes the Christian alternative shine all the brighter.


What is an essential message for every modern day pastor?
astor Bryan Croft says: “I have known Mark Dever almost 20 years.  This may be the most important