Welcome to Seminary: Now What?
Al Mohler has five challenges for seminary students.
The Beauty of the Impassible God
Demanding but important article.
The Transracial Implications of the Gospel
“When a black man sits next to a white woman who is next to a rich man sitting beside a poor man; when an educated white woman fellowships with a poor, uneducated immigrant; when a clean-shaven, well-dressed man sits beside a facial-pierced, tattooed girl in grunge clothes; when the fellowship of the saints cannot be attributed in any way to natural inclinations—only then will the world see that we truly love each other—and that ours is a supernatural love.”
Avoiding Burnout
Burnout is “the extinction of motivation or incentive, especially where one’s devotion to a cause or relationship fails to produce the desired results.”
Confessions of a Reluctant Servant
Christian Fox: “Servanthood is uncomfortable. It requires putting your own needs aside for someone else. It’s humbling, thankless, and hard. Not only is it hard, but the act of serving can also inconvenience and interrupt our own purposes and plans.”
Alone Yet Not Alone
I never knew Joni Tada Eareckson was a singer, SUCH a singer, and now Oscar nominated for Best Original Song.