God has blessed many of us with happy marriages, marriages in which we often think, “How can I love my husband or wife better?”
We love loving them, but we want to love them better, far better.
We want them to feel loved, and to feel more and more loved.
We enjoy thinking up ways to communicate our love with words, affections, and actions. We plan events, we buy gifts, we praise, we hug, we kiss, we laugh, we play, we study, we worship. And we still keep asking, “How can I love him/her better?”
But no matter how much time we devote to such pleasant plans, we still have to work, we still have to sleep, we have other responsibilities.
Much though we’d like to, we cannot spend every minute of every day thinking up ways to demonstrate our love to our wife or husband, no matter how much we might enjoy it.
Many days we can only spend a few minutes. Other days, no minutes at all. Sometimes weeks, or even months, might pass without once asking, “How can I love her/him better?”
Such is even the very best human love.
But imagine if there was somebody who would love you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year? Every year.
Someone who constantly dedicated himself to thinking up ways to commend, demonstrate, and communicate his love.
Someone who kept on asking, “How can I make her feel more of my love and enjoy more of my love?”
There is such a someone. It’s the God of everlasting love, the God who has been thinking up ways to love you before you were even born, before even time began (Jer. 31:3).
Imagine, Christian believer, the God of the universe has dedicated Himself to loving you, to making you feel loved, to helping you enjoy His love, to enter deeper into His love.
That’s what He’s doing even today. That’s what He’ll be doing tonight and tomorrow too. And the next day, and the next year. Non-stop. Forever.
As though you’re the only person He loves in the whole universe.
It’s His greatest joy and pleasure.
You’re His greatest love and pleasure.
That unchangeable love changes our Mondays, doesn’t it?