
7 Ways to Stop Gossip
“I’m listing 7 suggestions for stopping, or at least slowing, the spread of gossip. Will you consider each and internalize them – as needed? If the shoe fits will you wear it? Together, perhaps we can help stop the deadly spread of this harmful virus!”

The Excommunicated Member Who Thanked Me
“The only stories you ever hear about church discipline are the bad ones. That’s partly because there are lots of ways to foul it up, but also because the good stories are six years in the making. The good stories don’t make headlines. Church discipline, when rightly practiced and graced by God, “yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness” (Heb. 12:11) in those chastened by it. And when they come back to say “thank you,” it’s not a history-making moment. It’s just an another evidence of God’s redeeming grace.”

Rediscovering J. C. Ryle’s ‘Holiness’
“Have we become distracted by politics, controversy, party spirit, and the world? Has our standard of living fallen painfully below the New Testament standard? Have we failed to beautify our profession with our daily habits and tempers? If so, then we still need J. C. Ryle’s Holiness.”

Jesus on the Job: How Faith Mixes With Work, Part 1
“Church leaders, we need to understand that we are meant to equip all of our people for participation in God’s mission. I am convinced that participation in the mission necessitates bringing everything under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, including our jobs.”

Why did I take the whole month of July off from all ministry?
“I needed to step away completely for the purpose of rest and a needed “gut check” in several areas of my life. I took the entire month of July off.  Unplugged from all ministry, including all social media.  This was not a sabbatical, but pure vacation for a whole month. We just stayed home.  Here are 10 areas I felt I needed to address during this time off:”

Happiness in Christ, Even Through Depression and Sorrow
Randy Alcorn reflects on the steps he took to overcome depression in his life.

New Book

Every Season Prayers: Gospel Centered Prayers for the Whole of Life by Scotty Smith.

Kindle Books

The God I Don’t Understand: Reflections on Tough Questions of Faith by Christopher Wright $3.99.

Becoming Worldly Saints: Can you Serve Jesus and Still Enjoy Your Life? by Michael Wittmer $3.99.

 Proof: Finding Freedom Through the Intoxicating Joy of Irresistible Grace by Daniel Montgomery $3.99.