
To Be A Diaper Changer – Reformation21 Blog
Nick takes on unbiblical views of vocation:

A “change the world” mentality often ironically serves as a catalyst for discontentment or undue guilt. The common failures and frustrations experienced in the mundane day-in and day-out aspects of life tend to leave those who had hoped for more importance jaded or calloused as the years progress.

Such a mentality also has the adverse effect of inadvertently leading others to dismiss the importance of the work of the mother who faithfully changes her children’s diapers, drives them to sporting and music practices, takes them to the doctor, keeps up the organizational aspects of life at home and serves with her husband in many unnoticed capacities at church. It tells the man who humbly hangs a sign for a church plant each and every Friday night and takes it down every Sunday night that what he is doing is insignificant. It implicitly disrespects the man who gets up at 5:30 every morning and who comes home at 7:30 every night (and who then repeats that process 6 days a week for 25 years) from his job in a factory.

Why Francis Chan is radically wrong
Continues in a similar vein to Nick’s article above. You don’t need to accept the whole Family Integrated Church Movement’s ideas to agree with many of these points.

Whom Do You Serve—the Dragon or the Lamb?
I’ve just started reading this much-needed book

Though 2017 is barely underway, it’s safe to say The Way of the Dragon or the Way of the Lamb will be one of the year’s most important ministry books. Every ministry leader will benefit from this wake-up call for many who’ve embraced less-than-biblical attitudes toward power. It should lead some to weep, as they contemplate how much of their ministry will be burned up in the end (1 Cor. 3:12–14). It should also serve as a fresh call to Spirit-led ministry, flowing from humble abiding in Jesus (John 15:1–5).

The 4 Types of Ineffective Apologies
From the Harvard Business Review. Hopefully Christians can raise the standard even higher.

Apologizing isn’t easy, and many people do it only part way, insincerely, or not at all. And in doing so, they miss out on key opportunities for relationship repair. With this in mind, let’s take a quick tour of four common forms of ineffective apologizing I’ve noticed in my work. See if any of them resonate with your experience.”

7 powerful quotes from ‘Jane Roe’ of Roe v. Wade
Norma McCorvey, also known as “Jane Roe” of Roe v. Wade, was the plaintiff that attorneys, Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee, used in the Texas court case that struck down all laws against abortion throughout the United States. Today, McCorvey is pro-life.

Kindle Books

Strange Fire: The Danger of Offending the Holy Spirit with Counterfeit Worship by John Macarthur $2.99.

The Gospel according to Daniel: A Christ-Centered Approach by Bryan Chapell $2.99.