
Things have been a bit quiet around here the past while as I’ve been moving house. Normal service is being restored!

Why Parents Need To Limit Screens And Make Boredom Great Again
Three practices Brooke Shannon and her family have implemented to protect the endangered emotion of boredom.

Consecutive Exposition Is Not the Only Way
I’ve been arguing this for years…without much success. Maybe it’s just a Murray thing.

While God makes it clear that we must preach the Word, he does not specify one method over the other. I wonder if we have veered too far in one direction. This, after all, is our tendency in nearly everything—to swing from wild extreme to wild extreme. “All I am arguing,” says Murray, “is that the single-text method ought to be taken far more seriously than is often done today.” Based on the historical record, it’s worth considering. But as you consider it, consider not only the idea of preaching a new text each week; consider also the duty of prayerfully seeking that text.”

Deeply sobering.

“Two weeks ago a close member of my family was sentenced to a three and a half year prison sentence for drugs related offences. Although it wasn’t a complete surprise, nevertheless the news when it came was still naturally shocking and distressing. As I’ve had some time to process things I thought I’d write a little about some of the things the Lord has been teaching me over these weeks.”

The Routine Absurdity of Leaders Growing Large
As Spurgeon used to pray: “Lord keep me down and then I need fear no fall.

“God has a special training program for leaders who think too highly of themselves. Whether it’s Lucifer who said, “I will ascend” or the people of Babel saying, “let us make a great name for ourselves,” God organizes a loving tumble to help us find our right size and right place. Think about this as the loving act of a devoted dad who is dedicated to his child’s rescue.”

When the Darkness Doesn’t Yield
Gavin Ortlund on his recent experience of deep sadness:

“Recently I went through a deeper experience of sadness. It wasn’t as terrible as what some Christians endure, but it wasn’t mild, either. Sometimes it felt fierce and unrelenting, like a wave crashing over me. For a few moments, it felt black and invincible, like Bane standing over a broken Batman. Those who have endured such seasons know what a terrible experience it is. The feeling of aloneness. The lethargy that attaches like a shadow. The incessant low-grade despair, like a dim grinding noise in the distance, always humming. The shocking alarm when certain things don’t excite you anymore, and then (of course) the dreadful question that follows: Will they ever again?

9 Ways to Raise Up Leaders in Your Church
A most important but much neglected part of ministry.

Help Me Teach the Bible: Tony Reinke on How Our Phones Are Changing Us as Teachers
Tony Reinke talks to Nancy Guthrie about how technology is changing us.

Kindle Books

The Disciple-Making Parent: A Comprehensive Guidebook for Raising Your Children to Love and Follow Jesus Christ by Chap Bettis $1.99. Excellent book! Chap also told me this: “Those who send me their receipt number from amazon for the kindle or hard copy can get the audiobook for free. Just send it to

Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace by Heath Lambert $3.99.

PROOF: Finding Freedom through the Intoxicating Joy of Irresistible Grace by Daniel Montgomery $3.99.

Broken and Whole: A Leader’s Path to Spiritual Transformation by Stephen Macchia $3.99.


Soldier of Christ