• dave

    I was blessed by this podcast. Just curious, how do you understand 1 Chronicles 29:10ff, which seem to be David’s last words there. And the fact that David’s death is not recorded in 1 Kings 2?

    • dave

      Sorry, I meant not recorded until 1 Kings 2. What about the events recorded between these “last words” in 2 Samuel and 1 Kings 2.

      • http://headhearthand.org/blog/ David Murray

        Thanks for your question, Dave. There are a number of attempted explanations of this.

        1. They are “latter” words rather than literally the last words.
        2. It’s generally accepted that the last chapters of 2 Samuel are not arranged chronologically. Perhaps that accounts for some of the confusion when trying to square with 1 Kings.
        3. These are the last words that were “inspired utterances” (see intro language in 2 Sam 23).
        4. They were repeated – appearing not only being spoken in 2 Sam 23, but often on his lips during his last days.

        Matthew Henry says: “Those words especially in v. 5, though recorded before, we may suppose he often repeated for his own consolation, even to his last breath, and therefore they are called his last words.”