Link to Jesus On Every Page Podcast

Many people have asked me to help them take the next step from the principles of interpretation that are outlined in Jesus On Every Page to the actual practice of seeing and enjoying Christ in particular Old Testament passages.

I figured the best way to do that was a regular podcast that would not only focus on particular Old Testament passages, but also highlight the best resources on this popular subject (books, blog posts, lectures, sermons, etc). The podcast format also allows some interactivity where listeners can leave questions and comments on the blog or via the new voicemail feature on the right, and I’ll follow up on them in subsequent podcasts. I hope to also host some interviews with various Old Testament teachers and writers.

The podcasts will be hosted at and also at the Jesus On Every Page Podcast archive. The best way to ensure that you don’t miss a podcast is to subscribe to the blog by email on the right side of this page. The first podcast timeline is as follows:

1:32 Quote of the week

2:31 Book of the Week

3:48 Lecture of the week

4:57 Blog of the Week

7.16 Question of the Week

9:09 Noah’s ark and the cross of Christ

Podcast References

Knowing Jesus through the Old Testament by Christopher Wright.

Go to iTunes and search for “Dr Richard Gaffin Christ in the Old Testament in Luke 24″ or click here.

Exodus 19:4-6 at Mathias Media.

  • Stephen Steele

    Usually sermonaudio generates a page for a series that lets you then subscribe to it as a podcast. The option doesn’t seem to be available here (yet?) but you can still subscribe to it in a podcast client using the following url:

    • Dan

      Thank you Stephen! I will definitely be adding this to my subscriptions. And thank you Dr. Murray – this adds to what is already a wonderful learning opportunity.

    • David Murray

      Thanks for this Stephen. I’ll look into this further.

  • Paul Lawton

    Any plans to have it hosted in iTunes?

    • David Murray

      I’m looking into it, Paul.

  • Stephen Dunning

    Hi, David.

    I pre-ordered Jesus on Every page on 15th August. I sent the pdf of the order to the same day. At your request, I sent it again on 31st August. I still have not received the links to the freebies that were promised.


    • David Murray

      Hi Stephen,

      Still no sign of that email at our end, but don’t worry, I’ll just email you the freebies.

  • Stephen Steele

    Enjoyed the commentary recommendations – maybe that could become a regular feature?

    • David Murray

      Yes, that will probably be a regular feature, Stephen.

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  • Henry

    Hello David,
    Thanks for your book , recently purchased it and it has been helpful.My question to you is that’s pretty easy to connect the ark and Jesus together ; however, would you go into saying that Noah is a type of Christ ?

  • Steve

    Thanks David. The questions have been so helpful in my prep for preaching. We are considering a number of OT types as we look forward to the Jesus coming at Christmas.

    • David Murray


  • Jeff

    Helpful stuff! Thank you for doing this podcast…