Tim Challies and I will be interviewing Joel Beeke tomorrow for the first in the new season of Connected Kingdom podcasts. Dr Beeke has recently published two books on prayer, and will be speaking on the same subject at the Desiring God conference next week. So if you have any questions about prayer, submit them today in the comments below, or via Twitter (@davidpmurray) or Facebook.

  • Nathan

    I just got his new book “Living By God’s Promises” and it is excellent. Ask him about his intentions and details on the next 2 books coming out in that series.Ask about the best books on prayer.

  • Daniel Gomes Silveira

    Finally! I always thought to myself why you had not invite Dr. Beek yet for an interview.

  • David Bissett

    Please ask his understanding of Matthew 17 and how the “little faith” of the disciples kept them from healing a boy. Thanks…

  • Steve Hall

    Jesus taught His disciples how to pray, and we have examples of prayers recorded for us. Yet, we are told we don’t know how we ought to pray. Is this a universal statement about our inability to pray, or is this in reference to our praying in the context of the suffering in Romans 8? Would you connect being instructed how to pray with not knowing how to pray? Thanks!

  • Anne Morrison

    Ask him why, when we know it’s our greatest privilege, it is so difficult?I am ashamed to say it, but it’s the hardest aspect of my whole Christian life.

  • mary trawick, associate member HNRC

    I have ocd, with continuous distracted thoughts. its very difficult to maintain a prayer of any length, and I have resorted through the years to sending up quick arrows during the day as nehemiah did in chap. 2:4. is this acceptable unto God? He has answered my prayers, but is there a method to overcome this affliction for a better prayer life?

  • Ed

    Could you ask something about what his personal prayer time looks like? My ‘quiet time’ is one area that i’m always rethnking, and i’d love to hear how others do it…

  • Nathan Hitz

    Prayerlessness is a hideous sin. It is all the more hideous in the life of a pastor. At what point should a pastor step out of ministry because of prayerlessness in his own life?

  • David Murray

    Thank you so, so much for all your questions. We recorded this morning and managed to ask most of them. Some of them were answered in other questions. Look out for podcast next Tuesday.