Harold Camping has a lot to answer for, not least that his outlandish views about the end of the world have increased skepticism, even among Christians, about the value of studying eschatology. Let me try to win you back by providing six practical reasons for studying the Bible’s teaching on the last things.

1. Eschatology helps us to teach the church

2. Eschatology helps us to worship God

3. Eschatology helps us to serve with zeal

4. Eschatology helps us to hope in the midst of trouble

5. Eschatology helps us to prepare for judgment

6. Eschatology helps us to look forward to heaven

You can read brief explanations of these points on the Ligonier blog where this article was originally posted.

Here are a few videos in which I try to summarize the main millennial views.


Amillennial Timeline from Puritan Reformed on Vimeo.


Postmillennial Timeline from Puritan Reformed on Vimeo.


Premillennial Timeline from Puritan Reformed on Vimeo.

Dispensational Premillennialism

Dispensational Premillennial Timeline from Puritan Reformed on Vimeo.

  • http://www.housewifetheologian.com Aimee Byrd

    I always like to encourage people that eschatology has to do with the promises of God. In considering Hebrews 10:23, and chapter 11 following, faith looks forward to God’s promises. How could we not want to glorify him more by studying what he promises to do?

    • http://headhearthand.org/blog/ David Murray

      I like that emphasis, Aimee.

  • http://Www.generation2day.com Dario

    Hello Mr. Murray, which one do you side with the most and does siding with one really make a difference. I side more with the Amillenial view since I beli e the left behind series was veri misleading.

    • http://headhearthand.org/blog/ David Murray

      Optimistic Amillennialism!

  • http://twitter.com/edbarrientos10 Eduardo

    Eschatology for dummies :-)

    I started as a dispensational, and then became historic-premill and finally (I hope) an optimistic amill.

  • http://prayingwithoneeyeopen.wordpress.com Hannah

    What does optimistic amillenialist mean as opposed to just amillenialist?

    • http://headhearthand.org/blog/ David Murray

      Hannah it basically means that we still have hopes for great revivals of true Christianity around the world.

  • http://thekingsfellowship.com Steve, Winnipeg, Canada

    These are the best brief visuals I have ever seen to describe the main positions.

    I can’t say for sure if I’d ever use them, but would you permit public showing of these in my church for teaching purposes? The original source fully credited, of course.

    • http://headhearthand.org/blog/ David Murray

      Sure, feel free to use them in your church.

  • Gilbert Gerbrandt

    Very interesting ‘cartoons’.
    According to the Word of God I follow the historial Pre-trib., Pre-millenial view of Christ’s teach, two very basic reasons are:
    1. Before the tribulation when the Holy Spirit is ‘taken away’
    “I ain’t stayin” (pardon my english I am a retired business- man with a Masters degree in Theology)
    2. When the tribulation (Thess. and Rev. etc.) happen then we
    would know too the day ‘the second coming of Christ’ and
    that would make GOD a liar Matt.24:36 & Mark 13:32.

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  • Orlando Black

    Dispensational Premillennialist here. According to II Thessalonians Chapter 4, I believe that the next Major Event is The Rapture of The Church. Then the Antichrist will be revealed, then the Great Tribulation Period. Thank The LORD that JESUS is Coming for HIS Bride (The Church) First. :-)

  • Babmmm

    Is there a place to get the ebook “Endtimes Q&A”? The prosperous web site is gone. I’ve been asked to teach a small group on eschatology and the book of Revelation and I’ve been unable to find anything for small group study that is amill. focused.