Post Election Rant
A friend sent me to this blog, The Minority Republican, which seems to be a blog written by African American conservatives. It gives some fascinating insights that you will rarely find in the media. In this article Providence Crowder explains why she left the Democratic Party. She has two other articles on The Gospel Killers, including this one on The Prosperity Gospel.

Four reasons men don’t read books (with a practical suggestion)
Tony Reinke on reading is always worth a read.

God in our Midst
Danny Hyde’s excellent book on the Old Testament Tabernacle is only 99c!

One of the most important things we do as a church
From what I can gather, this is an increasing problem and maybe this is one part of the solution.

Our Confession
A group of Scottish Presbyterians are working towards greater unity among their sadly splintered churches. They have provided a number of thought-provoking articles on church unity here.

Ragged Theology
Staying with Scotland, my friend Andrew Murray has started a new blog that he describes as follows:

Living as a Christian husband, father, son and leader in 21st Century Scotland is tough going but I have found tremendous help in the lives of other great leaders particularly my great hero Thomas Guthrie (1803 – 1873). His statue stands resplendently in Princess Street Gardens, Edinburgh as a memory to one of the greatest preachers and social reformers Scotland has ever seen. It is sad that such little is known about Thomas Guthrie today even in Edinburgh where so much of his influence was felt in the 19th Century.  Hopefully this blog will do a little to change that!

Why Ragged Theology?  Thomas Guthrie was the ‘Apostle’ of the the Ragged School movement (as Mr Smiles in ‘Self Help’ called him) which opened its first school in 1847 in Edinburgh.  Inspired by the Industrial Feeding School of Sheriff Watson in Aberdeen which had been operating from 1841 Guthrie used all his skills as an orator, writer and organiser to turn the idea in to a national movement.  Called from a rural parish in Fife, Guthrie came to Old Greyfriars in Edinburgh as an assistant from 1837-1840 when he established a new church called St John’s in Victoria Street.  Guthrie was appalled by what he saw around him an pioneered what would now be called ‘early intervention.’  His vibrant theology was no ivory tower teaching but Biblical truth set on fire with activism and engagement.  Social intervention and sound doctrine were not enemies to Guthrie but the very essence of Biblical theology.