25 Top Resources for Dealing with Anger
So many quality resources here.

Gospel Hatred
Why Barry York is rejoicing in some recent experiences of Gospel hatred.

Why I’m thankful for common grace
Few of us are thankful enough for this.

Let the children fail
“A recent study continues a growing body of research that shows parents who help their children too much are doing them a disservice. The study says that such actions are prompted by a parent’s “misguided attempt to improve their child’s current and future personal and academic success.” It blames the “high responsiveness and low demandingness” of parents.”

More talking about listening
Some thought-provoking quotes on listening from Adam McHugh.

Resources for Preaching
I agree with most of Mike Leake’s conclusions here.

  • qqqqqqqqqqq

    Link to Why I’m Thankful for Common Grace wrong?

    • http://headhearthand.org/blog/ David Murray

      Fixed. Thanks.

  • http://mikeleake.net Mike Leake


    I’d probably have your How Sermons Work book in that list if I owned it and sat down to read it. I’ve loved your work thus far and I’m sure I’d find that one helpful as well.

    Just wanted to let you know that it’s absence from the list isn’t because I’ve read it and didn’t include it. But that only those books I have read are included in that list. :-)

    Which would you say is the #1 resource on preaching?

    • http://headhearthand.org/blog/ David Murray

      I understand Mike. No offense taken! I don’t really see my little book as belonging in that pantheon! I would probably go for Chappell’s book too, but also was really helped by Stott’s Between Two Worlds, and MLJ (Preaching & Preachers).

      • http://mikeleake.net Mike Leake

        I can’t believe I left off MLJ. I need to update that!