New York Times on Resurgence of Calvinism
What could possibly go wrong now?

So it begins – On Mission to Scotland’s Schemes
Pastor Patrick Mathers is getting ready to leave the New World for the Old World to bring the Gospel to Scotland’s poorest. And here’s 20Schemes plans for 2014.

The City: Its Sins and Sorrows
Staying with Scotland, Andy Murray (no relation) has just published a short eBook for 99 cents that contains four sermons by Thomas Guthrie, a 19th century Christian philanthropist in Scotland. It also contains a lengthy biographical foreword by Andy that explains how the present Church can learn so much from this large-hearted, Gospel-centered man.  If you follow Andy’s blog at Ragged Theology you can get regular updates on how he tries to put his  knowledge of Guthrie’s work into practice as he works day by day among Scotland’s poorest.

Dealing with Alcoholism
Ed Stezter warns agains the increasing acceptance of alcohol in Evangelical circles, says that it’s going to result in more alcoholic pastors, and provides an interview with one to prove his point.

The Normal, Drama-Free, Totally-Healthy Christian Homeschool Movement
Ruth Moon calls for a bit of balance in the light of a spate of negative stories and blogs about homeschooling.

What I Wish I’d Known
Sam Storms reflects on 40 years of pastoral ministry.

Your Systematic Theology is Showing
Barnabas Piper wants us to put Systematic Theology in the right place. I’ve definitely seen the problem that he’s referring to and agree with him.