I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a powerful illustration of the Gospel as this video. Want to understand your adoption by your heavenly father better? Watch what Detective Mook does and worship your heavenly father?
A challenging adoption: “We end tonight with a detective who took on one of the most challenging cases of his career.”
A head-and-heart adoption: “Solving it took teamwork between his head and his heart.”
A merciful adoption: “Most of the kids who come into this gym are street-kids, many of them have been born into poverty.”
A searching adoption: “When they stopped showing up at the gym one day, Jack went out and found the older boy.”
A compassionate adoption: “He looked terrible, bags under his eyes, 12 years old….What no one knew was just how bad these kids had it. They were in a foster home and had foster parents who were extremely abusive and neglectful.”
A sovereign adoption: “They had had it as worse as any other kid that has lived in the city of Pittsburgh…and I’d had enough of it.” “Jack Mook took matters into his own hands…and got the kids placed in a new home.”
A sacrificial adoption: ”…And got the kids placed in a new home…his.”
A beneficial adoption: One of the kids said, “I slept the best I ever did that night.”
An enjoyable adoption: Mook said “I’m loving this. It’s awesome. It’s the best thing I ever did in my life.”
A full adoption: “This week he went to court and did one better…adopted the boys and made them Mooks.”
A happy adoption: “You’re a Mook,right? You happy? Good!
And I just love the next line when Mook says “Good, now you’re going home to cut my grass,” and the journalist closes with, “Safe to say, the thought of chores has never been more welcome.” Isn’t that exactly how the adopted Christian feels about obeying and serving God? It’s no chore; it’s so welcome.
Youtube entitled the video “From man’s man to family man.” From the perspective of being adopted, we could call it, “From no man to God’s man” (or woman).