If you check out the KidsBibleReading.com blog you’ll find resources to help you raise your children for the Lord. If you have any articles, books, resources that you think other parents would benefit from, please leave links in the comments below and I’ll add them to the blog.

Teaching Bible Study To Children | Knowable Word
Here’s a great resource with a selection of articles on how to teach children at different stages, from 2-years-old to 12-years-old. Also some posts on helping kids profit from family devotions and from their own personal devotions.

Reading the Challenging PG-13 Bible Passages to Children | PJ Media
Here’s a suggestion for how to read potentially awkward or embarrassing passages to children without censoring the Bible.

Raising Courageous Gospel Kids | Prince on Preaching
Todd Martin on how to use the biblical narratives to raise kids with spiritual courage.

“The culture we live in here in North America is becoming less friendly to Christianity, yet Christ’s promises are unshaken. If trends continue, we can only expect an increasing hostility to the Christian message as our children grow. By Christ’s own words, we can expect them to suffer in ways for following Jesus. Don’t shelter them from the cross, but encourage them to follow Jesus. By God’s grace, and through the work of the Spirit, as they learn to trust God to keep his good news promises, may our children display in the world the God-glorifying virtue of courage.”

Children in Worship | Barry York
Barry makes a Presbyterian case for keeping children in worship services. I’d like to add a paragraph just to underline what I know Barry believes – that covenant children also need to be born again.

Read Scripture in a Whole New Visual Way | Church Relevance
This is a new app that combines Bible reading and animated videos to help explain the books, stories, and themes woven throughout Scripture.

And here are a couple of family devotionals that friends have recently recommended to me.

Jesus the Hero Family Devotional by David Prince.

Why Easter? by Barbara Reaoch.