
So Andy Stanley Thinks I’m Selfish | Gentle Reformation
Kyle Borg responds to Andy Stanley’s criticism of small churches. And on the same subject, here’s Andy Did It Again and Dear Andy Stanley, Please Be the Small Church’s Ally, Not Our Enemy

Your Single Most Important Habit | Desiring God
David Mathis recommends one habit that could transform your whole Christian life.

4 Words that Give a Well-Rounded Picture of Counseling in the Church | Counseling One Another
Paul Tautges says that “The meanings and uses of these words help us to envision a well-rounded ministry that is geared toward helping people change.”

The Value and Labor of Women in the Church | Gentle Reformation
“If we are going to be biblical about the role of women in the church, we could start by being more vocal in our thankfulness for what they add to the work of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.”

Exercise and Brain Size
“A recent study published online in the journal Neurology shows a link between physical fitness levels in middle-aged adults and brain size later in life.”

Pastoring Dementia Patients
“I was with some local pastors this morning, thinking through dementia and dementia care in our churches. The following points came out of our discussion. Hope they help.”

New Book

Do Ask, Do Tell, Let’s Talk: Why and How Christians Should Have Gay Friends by Brad Hambrick

Kindle Books

Surprised by Oxford: A Memoir by Carolyn Weber $0.99. “Surprised by Oxford is the memoir of a skeptical agnostic who comes to a dynamic personal faith in God during graduate studies in literature at Oxford University.”

God’s Unfailing Purpose: The Message of Daniel by Michael Barrett $0.99.

And a couple of non-Christian books that look like good reads. I try to read books like these that are reflecting and influencing the culture in order to help me be more effective both in personal conversations with non-Christians and also in finding illustrations and points of contact in my preaching and writing. You’ll also find some helpful common grace truths here and there. Read them through biblical spectacles.

Life Is What You Make It: Find Your Own Path to Fulfillment by Peter Buffett $1.99.

The Sustainable Edge: 15 Minutes a Week to a Richer Entrepreneurial Life $0.99.

Blog Video

David Brooks and Miroslav Volf: A Conversation on Character, Flourishing & the Good Life